Mash with 17.9 L and when the water reaches 158°F, slowly add the grain, stirring gently as you do to avoid dry
clumps. Set the mash up as per the Grainfather
instructions. Mash for 90 minutes at 148°F.
After 60 minutes, input a temperature of 167°F
for the mash out. Recirculate the wort at 167°F
for 10 minutes.
Sparge with 9.3 L (4.4 US Gal) of water. This water
must be at 167°F.
***The infusion water temperature varies with the water-to-grain ratio being used for the mash, but generally the initial "strike water" temperature is 10-15. · °F above the target mash temperature. The equation is listed below in the section, "Calculations for Infusions."
A Hybrid Mash Conversion Profile
One trick I see some advanced brewers use is to include a step both at a low conversion temperature (say 145F/63 C) and a second mash step at high conversion temperature (say 155F/68 C). This results in very high sugar conversion, and a very clean, light bodied beer. It does this by activating both the alpha and beta amylase in sequence. It is useful primarily for beers that require a clean, dry finish – and is most often associated with lagers.
ADD last hop addition after recirculation
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Last Updated: 2017-02-14 16:44 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
Pretty Please Pilsner
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
Pretty Please Pilsner
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.