FG of a degassed (vacuum) sample of Drakonic is 1.017 which would indicate an approx OG of 1.084 with 8.75% & WL 001 yeast.
Straight from Drake's website...
Malt: American 2-Row Barley, Weyermann Carafa Special 3, Simpsons Caramel Extra Dark, Simpsons Chocolate, Simpsons Roast Barley, Patagonia Crystal 35
Hops: Bittering – Warrior
Yeast: White Labs 001
Original Gravity: 19.9 degrees Plato
Alc/Vol: 8.75%
IBUs: 40
3/16/17 Brew day: actual mash temps performed are above and main mash Ph was 5.55. Batch sparge was 5.68 Ph. Resulting wort was 5 gal at 1.047 OG for a 65.33% efficiency. Final vol 1.5 gal at 1.106. 70 IBUs Following day read 1.75gal at 1.116 so I diluted with boiled RO water to 2.2 gal at 1.092 and 45 IBU's Added DAP nutrient and shook it up well. BTW Nottingham says on the packet that aeration is not required. I just didn't want a stuck ferment on such a big beer, haven't had one that I recall but I've been brewing 10 years.
3/20/17 Update: The ferment was pretty crazy, luckily it was a small volume in a large container. It tastes sweet but my sample reads 1.014 adjusted which means I have achieved 82% attenuation and 10.2% ABV. Biggest beer I ever made! Planned OG was 1.085 and 40+ IBU's with a BU/GU ratio of .48; I now have a .50 ratio. Not to goal but a good achievement. I would bitter this to 60 IBU's at least if I planned this OG and attenuation.
4/24/17 Update: FG is 1.013 which gives 10.32% ABV. At racking the brew smells somewhat reminiscent of Drakonic but I have little care if it is since it's a different beast. More roast I desire...Lots of booze and some esters present. Can't wait to get my ferm chamber all set up.
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Last Updated: 2017-04-24 15:32 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
Drakonic Clone
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
Drakonic Clone
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
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