Method:BIAB Style:American Pale Ale Boil Time:60 min Batch Size:5 gallons
(fermentor volume) Pre Boil Size:6.2 gallons Post Boil Size:5 gallons Pre Boil Gravity:1.042
(recipe based estimate)
Post Boil Gravity:1.052
(recipe based estimate)
Efficiency: 70%
(brew house) Calories:170 calories
(Per 12oz)
Carbs:15.5 g
(Per 12oz)
Ferment at 66 degrees for 4-5 days until fermentation dies down then bump temp up to 69-70 degrees.
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Last Updated: 2019-08-06 17:26 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
Bullocky Pale Ale
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
Bullocky Pale Ale
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
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No Nrg • 09/17/2015 at 08:33pm I got a 2 gallon tester in the fermentor on 9/12. I ended up tweaking the recipe, took out the Mosaic as I couldn't find any in enough time. Added in Cascade instead. Hop profile was pretty good in the post-boil sample I tasted.
Got a 1.054 original gravity and 66% brewhouse efficiency using a BIAB method. Got it in a temp-controlled fridge at 68 degrees. The main fermentation phase has died down a bit, going to wait until next week to bottle.
No Nrg • 09/25/2015 at 07:17pm Plan on bottling on 9/26/15. Got two seperate hydrometer readings of 1.013 final gravity, fermentation seems to be complete. Sample from fementer didn't seem as hoppy as the post-boil wort. Hopefully the bottle conditioning and final cooling will make a difference in flavor.
No Nrg • 10/22/2015 at 07:26pm Made a couple tweaks to the grain profile (removed the 20L and 40L in favor of all 60L), added a hopstand of Citra at flameout and changed to California Ale V Yeast WLP051.
No Nrg • 11/02/2015 at 03:16pm Bottled this weekend and tasted the sample. Not using hop socks and adding the Citra flameout addition really bumped up the hop flavor. The change to crystal 60L also improved the overall malt character. This batch tastes like a winner, but won't know for sure until it carbed and cold.