Water adjusted from standard Oberwil Baselland Switzerland municipal water district.
Equipment is Speidel Braumeister Plus 20L for mashing and boiling. Used standard malt pipe setup, so efficiency was a little low from mashing. Next time use Bac Brewing fine screen plates and top plate for better mash density. Graindfather glycol system for fermentation temperature control.
Starting gravity was 1.072 or so, for about 20 liters....this is the SG
73 F fermentation. Very active with massive krausen, so I suggest a large fermenter or blow off tube setup.
After 2 days the gravity was down to 1.020. At this point I added the hops for dry hopping (29/7)...in two bags. Temperature ramped to 75F over 2 days, then 77 for 1 day.
Removed dry hop bags on 02/8, about 4 days of dry hops. Gravity is 1.011 and stable. This is 7.8% ABV. Beer tastes very fruity and hoppy at room temp. As gravity is stable, I am dropping the temp to 41 F to start the cold crash.
August 7, transferred beer to keg. Added 0.5g of ascorbic acid and force carbonated beer using rapid carb method at 2 bar.
Round 2:
Use a 90 min extraction/mash time to ensure full extraction of sugars.
-Add 1 kg total of flaked oats (this is pretty much at the max grain bill possible, even with the extended malt pipe mash system)
Brought to 20 liters post boil and a gravity of 1.073
Add hops at 24 hours when krausen is at a good peak, rather than at 2 days post pitch
-By day 4 (10/10), beer was down to 1.013 gravity, temp ramped to 75F for 24 hours, then 77F for 24 hours.
-Day 5 (10/11) we hit 1.012 gravity with temp at 77F. A bit more krausen, suggesting a little bit more activity with the temperature ramp.
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Last Updated: 2024-10-11 07:08 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
Wicked Tropical NEIPA
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
Wicked Tropical NEIPA
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
Cost $
Cost %
Steeping Grains (Extract Only)
Cost Per Barrel
Cost Per Pint
Total Cost
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