Fermented around 22-24°C.
Really like what Philly sour achived. Added extra tablesugar into boil - its said to produce more lactic acid. After primary fermentation I took a sample and it was suprisingly sour(in a good way) and already were good on its own. Added 1000g of frozen raspberry for the flavour. I was expecting to get extra tartness/sourness from the raspberry and maybe some more when yeast eats the sugars. And it did go down few point on FG. But for my suprise it actually left some residual sweetness and body.
Cold crushed. Bottled with hopes that priming sugar makes it more sour. 5 days later.. It does start sour on the tounge but immidently feel rasberry with soft sweetnes and i even get hints of vanilla in the end. It is pleasant and balanced but i was aiming for kinda only sour beer.
Yes need one week before final toughts.
Ca t remember why i chose those hops, but they arent stars of the show so it doesnt really matter.
Maybe reduce the amount of cara clair and munich and more 2 row to fight the extra sweetness. Also mash lower.
I forgot coriander ;facepalm;.
Overall it was okay and i would like to improve it on the notes i made.
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Last Updated: 2024-02-21 11:01 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
Rasberry GOSE?
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
Rasberry GOSE?
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
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Cost $
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Steeping Grains (Extract Only)
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