Fresh Fruits of Banksi-air Beer Recipe | BIAB Specialty Fruit Beer | Brewer's Friend
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Fresh Fruits of Banksi-air

258 calories 37.8 g 330 ml
Beer Stats
Method: BIAB
Style: Specialty Fruit Beer
Boil Time: 45 min
Batch Size: 22.3 liters (fermentor volume)
Pre Boil Size: 28.5 liters
Pre Boil Gravity: 1.046 (recipe based estimate)
Post Boil Gravity: 1.081 (recipe based estimate)
Efficiency: 66% (brew house)
Calories: 258 calories (Per 330ml)
Carbs: 37.8 g (Per 330ml)
Created: Saturday November 5th 2022
Amount Fermentable Cost PPG °L Bill %
3.80 kg Voyager Craft Malt - Atlas Latrobe3.8 kg Atlas Latrobe 37.6 2.03 46.9%
1.50 kg Voyager Craft Malt - Winter Wheat Janz1.5 kg Winter Wheat Janz 38.8 2.54 18.5%
0.90 kg Flaked Wheat0.9 kg Flaked Wheat 34 2 11.1%
0.40 kg Gladfield - Sour Grapes Acid Malt0.4 kg Sour Grapes Acid Malt 12.4 2.03 4.9%
1.50 kg Lactose (Milk Sugar)1.5 kg Lactose (Milk Sugar) - (late boil kettle addition) 41 1 18.5%
8.10 kg / 0.00
Amount Variety Cost Type AA Use Time IBU Bill %
5 g Yakima Valley Hops - Strata 5 g Strata Hops Pellet 14 Boil 45 min 7.6 20%
20 g Yakima Valley Hops - Strata 20 g Strata Hops Pellet 12 Whirlpool at 80 °C 20 min 3.34 80%
25 g / 0.00
Mash Guidelines
Amount Description Type Start Temp Target Temp Time
30 L Infusion 69 °C 66 °C 60 min
Other Ingredients
Amount Name Cost Type Use Time
0.50 tsp Brewtan B Water Agt Mash 65 min.
0.25 tsp Potassium Metabisulfite Water Agt Mash 65 min.
5.20 g Calcium Chloride (dihydrate) Water Agt Mash 1 hr.
1.50 g Gypsum Water Agt Mash 1 hr.
0.50 tsp Brewtan B Water Agt Boil 15 min.
6 g Fermaid AT Water Agt Boil 10 min.
2 kg Mango Flavor Primary 3 days
2 kg Passion fruit Flavor Primary 3 days
Lallemand - WildBrew Philly Sour
2 Each
Attenuation (custom):
Optimum Temp:
20 - 25 °C
Fermentation Temp:
23 °C
Pitch Rate:
0.35 (M cells / ml / ° P) 153 B cells required
0.00 Yeast Pitch Rate and Starter Calculator
Method: co2       Amount: -1.07 bar       Temp: 2 °C       CO2 Level: 0 Volumes
Target Water Profile
Red Creaming Sour
Ca+2 Mg+2 Na+ Cl- SO4-2 HCO3-
80 0 0 110 55 52
5.2g - CaCl
1.6g - Gypsum (1.5g for 30L mash)
Mash Chemistry and Brewing Water Calculator

Batch #5 - 3/3/24 (Eff.: %, Att.: %, ABV: %)
Mash vol.: 30 L, Pre-boil vol.: L, Batch vol.: 22.3 L
OG: 1065 (Refract.) 10 (Hyd.) 10 (Tilt) Boil Time: 45 min

  • Winter Wheat Malt (Beckom) (Voyager) in for Winter Wheat Malt (Janz) (Voyager)
  • Ditched the chit wheat
    -This batch volume finished really high, had to ditch around 1.5L just to be sure I'd fit fruit in later.
  • Finished high at FG: 1045 (Tilt), added one pack of US-05 but nothing happened after 4 days. Chilled to 1 C and cold crashed for 3 days and kegged.
    1/4/24 - Kegged and carbed.

    Batch #4 - 19/11/23 (Eff.: %, Att.: %, ABV: %)
    Mash vol.: 30 L, Pre-boil vol.: L, Batch vol.: 22.3 L
    OG: 1084 (Refract.) 10 (Hyd.) 10 (Tilt) Boil Time: 45 min
  • Upped Lactose to 1.5kg from 1kg.
  • Upped Acidulated malt 0.3 to 0.4 kg.
  • Flaked wheat down from 0.9kg to 0.25 due to out of stock, replaced with 0.5kg Gladfield chit wheat malt
  • Forgot the Chit (barley) malt (0.5 kg)
    23/11/23 - SG: 1086
    27/11/23 - SG: 1059
    28/11/23 - Added another yeast packed as it was sitting high.
    30/11/23 - SG: 1052
    2/12/23 - FG: 1049, cold crashed to 10 C, added 2kg frozen passion fruit puree (hop bag) and 2kg frozen mango puree (unbagged).

    Batch #3 - 15/10/23 (Eff.: 67%, Att.: %, ABV: %)
    Mash vol.: 30 L, Pre-boil vol.: L, Batch vol.: 22.3 L
    OG: 1077 (Refract.) 1079 (Hyd.) 10 (Tilt) Boil Time: 45 min
  • Upped Lactose to 1kg from 0.4kg.
  • Used Columbus hops instead of Strata
    Yeast: Philly Sour (x2) dry pitched at 25C, these packs were old and took 5 days to really kick off, added an extra fresh pack on 22/10.
    21/10/23 - SG: 1069
    22/10/23 - SG: 1062
    24/10/23 - SG: 1031
    28/10/23 - SG: 1029, added 800g pureed pink dragon fruit that was boiled, 1.5kg frozen blueberries smashed up and heated to boiling then added to hop sock.
    1/11/23 - Cold crashed to 1 C.
    3/11/23 - Kegged through medium Bouncer filter and then carbed.

    Batch #2 - 17/1/23 (Eff.: 62%, Att.: 70%, ABV: 5.7%)
    Mash vol.: 30 L, Pre-boil vol.: L, Batch vol.: L
    OG: 1067 (Refract.) 10 (Hyd.) 1069 (Tilt) Boil Time: 45 min
    Voyager Latrobe Chit in for Gladfield Chit.
    Lactose 0.4kg down from 0.6kg in #1.
    Yeast: Philly Sour (x2) dry pitched at 25C
    Fruit: Woolies brand 1kg bags of frozen; mango and blueberries.
    21/1/23 - SG: 1043
    22/1/23 - SG: 1034
    25/1/23 - SG: 1026
    28/1/23 - Added of frozen 2kg blueberries and 1kg mango, pureed and strained, boiled and added hot to the fermenter before cold crashing to 10 C. (Didn't use frozen mixed berries in this batch.) Used C02 suck back rig to avoid 02.
    5/2/23 - Filtered (under pressure) through medium Bouncer filter, kegged and carbed. Cloudy watermelon colour.
    Tasted delicious, next time add more lactose and more fruit.

    Batch #1 - 20/11/22 (Eff.: 63%, Att.: %, ABV: %)
    Mash vol.: 31.5 L, Pre-boil vol.: L, Batch vol.: L
    OG: 1066 (Refract.) 10 (Hyd.) 10 (Tilt) Boil Time: 45 min
    Voyager Latrobe Chit in for Gladfield Chit
    Yeast: Philly Sour (x2) dry pitched at 25C
    Fruit: Woolies brand 1kg bags of frozen; mango, blueberries and mixed berries.
    Note: Mash 30.5 L next time
    22/11/22 - SG: 1059
    23/11/22 - SG: 1053
    26/11/22 - SG: 1036
    28/11/22 - SG: 1030
    29/11/22 - SG: 1030
    30/11/22 - SG: 1030, fruit added (3x1kg) and chilled to 10 C.
    6/12/22 - Kegged and carbed after 4 days at 1 C. Lost about 2.5 L due to the suck back rig being below the top of the wort.
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  • Last Updated: 2024-04-01 01:13 UTC
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