Brew59. First 100 - Yogi MK3 30/09/21 Beer Recipe | All Grain Specialty IPA: Red IPA | Brewer's Friend
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Brew59. First 100 - Yogi MK3 30/09/21

170 calories 15.5 g 12 oz
Beer Stats
Method: All Grain
Style: Specialty IPA: Red IPA
Boil Time: 100 min
Batch Size: 100 liters (fermentor volume)
Pre Boil Size: 105 liters
Post Boil Size: 95 liters
Pre Boil Gravity: 1.049 (recipe based estimate)
Post Boil Gravity: 1.054 (recipe based estimate)
Efficiency: 74% (brew house)
Calories: 170 calories (Per 12oz)
Carbs: 15.5 g (Per 12oz)
Created: Tuesday September 14th 2021
Amount Fermentable Cost PPG °L Bill %
6 kg Gladfield - American Ale Malt6 kg American Ale Malt 37.3 2.54 26.7%
8 kg New Zealand - Ale Malt8 kg Ale Malt 37.4 3.05 35.6%
6 kg Gladfield - Pilsner Malt6 kg Pilsner Malt 37.7 1.93 26.7%
0.75 kg Gladfield - Red Back Malt0.75 kg Red Back Malt 35.4 32.99 3.3%
1.75 kg Gladfield - Light Crystal Malt1.75 kg Light Crystal Malt 35.4 31.98 7.8%
22.50 kg / 0.00
Amount Variety Cost Type AA Use Time IBU Bill %
40 g Pacific Gem40 g Pacific Gem Hops Pellet 15.4 Boil 75 min 16.44 3.8%
40 g Simcoe40 g Simcoe Hops Pellet 8 Boil 75 min 8.54 3.8%
65 g Simcoe65 g Simcoe Hops Pellet 8 Boil 10 min 4.82 6.2%
100 g Simcoe100 g Simcoe Hops Pellet 8 Whirlpool 10 min 4 9.5%
250 g Zythos250 g Zythos Hops Pellet 11 Dry Hop 5 days 23.8%
200 g Nelson Sauvin200 g Nelson Sauvin Hops Pellet 6 Dry Hop 5 days 19%
50 g Citra50 g Citra Hops Pellet 11 Dry Hop 5 days 4.8%
55 g Wakatu55 g Wakatu Hops Pellet 3 Dry Hop 5 days 5.2%
250 g Zythos250 g Zythos Hops Pellet 11 Dry Hop 2 days 23.8%
1,050 g / 0.00
Mash Guidelines
Amount Description Type Start Temp Target Temp Time
75 L Infusion 76 °C 67 °C 60 min
30 L Sparge 76 °C 70 °C 20 min
Starting Grain Temp: 18 °C
Lallemand - Verdant IPA
5 Each
Attenuation (avg):
Optimum Temp:
18 - 23 °C
Fermentation Temp:
Pitch Rate:
0.35 (M cells / ml / ° P) 450 B cells required
0.00 Yeast Pitch Rate and Starter Calculator
CO2 Level: 0 Volumes
Target Water Profile
Balanced Profile
Ca+2 Mg+2 Na+ Cl- SO4-2 HCO3-
0 0 0 0 0 0
Mash Chemistry and Brewing Water Calculator

Thursday 30/09/21
Mash start 0920 - 5ml Lactic acid into strike water in mash tun - transfer water at 85C into mash tun with 20L at 62C add grains slowly with mash temp 65C at 0945, start recircualting 0950 mash temp slowly rising. Temp up to 70C stop recirc and take lid off to cool.
First runnings pH at 4.96. 2nd test pH 5.56 add 2ml more Lactic Acid and recirc ph now 5.5. Mash temp 69.7 t 1020, 68.4 at 1030
Start transfer to kettle at 1100. mash temp 66C. Fire up gas.
Final mash pH 5.51
Collect 105 Litres 78C at 1130. pH now 7.14 - weird??
Boiling at 1205. 40gms each of Pacific Gem and Simcoe in spider just before boil.
Probably a little lighter boil than usual to start with as kettle quite full. Tweak boil up a little at a time.
Good rolling boil at 1300. Add 3-4gms koppafloc at 1325 and 65 gm Simcoe into boil at 1330 for 10 mins. Flame out 1340.
Run ricirc whirlpool to sterilise coolossus and hoses - be careful air bubbles if valves completely open, slow down valve flow until no air. 95 Kitres after boil.
Add 100gms Simcoe to whirlpool at 1400/ 86C turn off water. Chat to 1430 Temp 81C start water again.
Add 22L pus 2 ice packs to cooling kettle.
70C at 1437, 50C at 1445, 45C at 1452, 37C at 1507, 30C at 1520, 27C at 1538, 25C at 1550 looking very clear but with protein? small blobs that are settling well at 1607. Leave for a little longer.
Hydrate 2 x US05 and 3 x S04.
Runoff to Fermenter estimated collect of 85Litres. Gravity 1058 at 22C giving 72%. Add 15Litres water giving 1052 = 72% Oxygeate and Pitch yeast at 1815.
Friday 1/10 No yeast bubbling activity yet - hydrate 20gms Verdant and add to fermenter. When adding Verdant there is a foamy yeast crop starting. So up to pitching rate of around 70-80 gms per 100L hoping 3 yeasts work together ok. First audible bubbling just after 12pm. Go First100.
Friday 1430 bubbling every 12-15 secs. 1740 bubbling every 4 secs. 1900 every 3 secs.
Saturday bubbling every 2 sec all day. Sunday has slowed to every 12 secs. Tastes very good. Gravity 1018. Add dry hops through top 3" ( turn off side relief valve ) 250gm Zythos, 200gm Nelson Sauvin, 55 gms Wakatu and 50gms Citra. Bubbling increased after hop addition to almost continuous.
Monday 4/10 bubbling stopped Gravity 1014. Smells and tastes very juicy and appears like a good orange/ grapefruit colour hazy. Raise temp on controller to 22C. Temp at 10.00 is 18.1C, 18.9C at 1130, ( very slow bubbling again 20secs ). 19.7C at 1300 21.4C at 1730. Not bad 6.5hrs to raise temp. 20.9C at 2200.
Tuesday 5/10 at 1200 add 250gm Zythos - dual extension tube not working/ practical so run a few psi of co2 into carb stone with all other outlets closed and add to 3" tri-clamp at top.
Gravity 1012 at 1620.
Thursday 7/10 at 0900 - Turn temp down to 10C ( 2 stages down to 2C to prevent coil icing up as per manual ) 12.6C at 1045, 10.6C at 1130 - set to 5C. 5.9C at 1600 set to 2.5C.
4.9C at 1800
Friday 1100 4.4C drop and lots of condensation - glycol chiller to -2.5C to see if that helps drop fermenter temp. 1430 still 4.4C struggling to get any lower set temp to 1.5C and monitor. Still tasting really good but not clearing particularly - may end up being a hazy?? 1500 turn off FFS2 for 1 hr turn on again. 1700 and 2145 no real change in temp still 4.3 - turn FFS2 to 3.8 and see what happens overnight.
Saturday 9/10 temp at 4C drop controller to 3.4C at 1700 temp 4C so no change.
Sunday 4.2C lots of condensation???
Monday 0900 turn off temp and wait until rise to new set point 8C. 1600 turn on FFS2 to keep at 8C.
Between Monday and Friday 15th keep at around 8C. Tasting nice less fruity desired but crisp drinkable - see how it goes after some keg maturation.
Friday 15th - pressure fill kegs. Flow rate at approx 2 mins per litre at 8psi in and 2psi release valve into 19l keg.
Collect 1 x 19L ( 19.2 starts overflowing ), 1 x 50L ( averaging around 3 - 4 mins per litre at 8psi in 2 out - turn up to 14psi in and 2psi out and average 1.5 mins ), 1 x 9.5L plus 16 x 500ml Bottles ( 8L ) total = 86.5Litres.

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  • Last Updated: 2021-10-15 03:06 UTC
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