PB0065 Southside Red 02/18/2022 Beer Recipe | All Grain International Amber Lager by rivesborland | Brewer's Friend
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PB0065 Southside Red 02/18/2022

161 calories 16.6 g 16 oz
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Beer Stats
Method: All Grain
Style: International Amber Lager
Boil Time: 60 min
Batch Size: 107 gallons (ending kettle volume)
Pre Boil Size: 112 gallons
Pre Boil Gravity: 1.047 (recipe based estimate)
Efficiency: 76% (ending kettle)
Source: Rives
Calories: 161 calories (Per 16oz)
Carbs: 16.6 g (Per 16oz)
Created: Friday August 20th 2021
Amount Fermentable Cost PPG °L Bill %
110 lb Rahr - Standard 2-Row110 lb Standard 2-Row 36.8 1.8 56.4%
27.50 lb Gambrinus - Munich - Light 10L27.5 lb Munich - Light 10L 37.3 10 14.1%
27.50 lb Dingemans - Munich MD27.5 lb Munich MD 36.5 6.3 14.1%
8 lb Corn Sugar - Dextrose8 lb Corn Sugar - Dextrose - (late boil kettle addition) 42 0.5 4.1%
4 lb Crisp Malting - Crystal Light - 45L4 lb Crystal Light - 45L 33.1 45 2.1%
4 lb Crisp Malting - Roasted Barley4 lb Roasted Barley 31.28 520 2.1%
2 lb Crisp Malting - Crystal Extra Dark - 120L2 lb Crystal Extra Dark - 120L 35 120 1%
2 lb Crisp Malting - Pale Chocolate2 lb Pale Chocolate 32.7 220 1%
10 lb Rice Hulls10 lb Rice Hulls 0 0 5.1%
195 lbs / 0.00
Amount Variety Cost Type AA Use Time IBU Bill %
20 oz East Kent Goldings20 oz East Kent Goldings Hops Pellet 4.8 First Wort 90 min 19.28 100%
20 oz / 0.00
Mash Guidelines
Amount Description Type Start Temp Target Temp Time
70.12 gal Strike 161 °F 150 °F 60 min
70 gal Sparge 180 °F 170 °F --
Starting Mash Thickness: 1.5 qt/lb
Starting Grain Temp: 68 °F
Other Ingredients
Amount Name Cost Type Use Time
60 g Calcium Chloride (anhydrous) Water Agt Mash 1 hr.
30 g Epsom Salt Water Agt Mash 1 hr.
30 g Gypsum Water Agt Mash 1 hr.
18.35 ml Phosphoric acid Water Agt Mash 1 hr.
1 tbsp Fermcap Other Boil 90 min.
18 g Whirfloc Fining Boil 15 min.
15 g yeastx-82 Other Boil 15 min.
25 g ALDC Other Primary 0 min.
Fermentis - Saflager - German Lager Yeast W-34/70
6 BBL Pitch
Attenuation (custom):
Optimum Temp:
48 - 72 °F
Fermentation Temp:
Pitch Rate:
0.35 (M cells / ml / ° P) 1722 B cells required
0.00 Yeast Pitch Rate and Starter Calculator
Method: co2       Amount: 8.14 psi       Temp: 30 °F       CO2 Level: 2.6 Volumes
Target Water Profile
Balanced Profile
Ca+2 Mg+2 Na+ Cl- SO4-2 HCO3-
0 0 0 0 0 0
70 gal strike water at 163 F (target mash temp 150 F)
salts and acid per "other ingredients"
~70 gal sparge water at 180 F
Mash Chemistry and Brewing Water Calculator

add first wort hops to BK at start of lauter run-off
1 tbsp fermcap just before boil

Let mash sit 45 min, stirring every 10 min to ensure full conversion. Then recirc to hit 165 F mash out and start lautering.

18 g whirlfloc G 15 min before end of boil
15 g yeastx-82 15 min before end of boil

get batch 1 as cold as possible (down to 35 lowest)
add 25 g ALDC to FV after knocking out batch 1
knock out batch 2 to target 50 F
02 for 30 min at 1 L/min

Harvest ~4 gallons of thick Saflager W-34/70 yeast slurry from PB0061 Cerveza Lomita and pitch directly after full 6 bbl batch is at 50F
Harvest as much more yeast as possible and store in cold box

when 2 brix/plato from estimate FG, set controller for 70F and allow temp to rise for diacetyl rest
when passes FG stability and diacetly and acetaldehyde test, crash to 40 F over a few days, 5 deg per day
harvest yeast, add biofine and antiox-C, hook up C02, and crash to 32F for 1 to 2 weeks.

Carb to 2.6 volumes C02.

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  • Public: Yup, Shared
  • Last Updated: 2022-02-21 21:21 UTC
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