Method:All Grain Style:American Pale Ale Boil Time:60 min Batch Size:6 gallons
(fermentor volume) Pre Boil Size:7 gallons Post Boil Size:6 gallons Pre Boil Gravity:1.048
(recipe based estimate)
Post Boil Gravity:1.056
(recipe based estimate)
Efficiency: 75%
(brew house) Source:Love2Brew Rating:
4.00 (1 Review)
Calories:185 calories
(Per 12oz)
Carbs:18.4 g
(Per 12oz)
packaged and tasted. Really nice tropical notes up front, but the somewhat bracing bitterness is still a bit too much. Will dial it closer to 1:1 by delaying the hop addition further (30 -> 20 min). Should reduce utilization further and boost good fruity notes from the nelson. Recipe updated 2024-03-03.
Switching back to BRY97 and because this beer is bracingly bitter I thought I would balance the BU/GU a bit more. Adjusting IBU from 75 to 65. This would put it 10 units above the GU of about 1.055. Really like the flavor of this one, but hoping for a bit more balance on it.
I think Lutra has a tendency to leave behind a bit more so it was beneficial to have it last time, but BRY97 and a closer BU/GU should do the same thing.
Also, adding 4 g of ascorbic acid to the mash for antioxidation purposes. for reference. Due to us canning, we're looking for any anti-oxidative protection we can get.
Initially made from a Love2Brew Kit.
Made with BRY97 the first time, but don't have it on hand. Using Lutra dry yeast from Omega @ 72ºF. Originally called for BRY-97 at 68ºF. Lutra is expected to attenuate a bit more so ABV might be higher. Also do not have American pils around so using Wey Floor Pils.
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Last Updated: 2024-03-16 18:43 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
Oceania Pale Ale
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
Oceania Pale Ale
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
Cost $
Cost %
Steeping Grains (Extract Only)
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The first iteration was very strongly bitter, but that might have been from the unitank heating jacket heating up the hop cone. This beer was a crowd pleaser and folks drank the heck out of it even with it being sharply bitter.