This was definitely a fun and challenging one to make. The goal was a sour ale that gave you the feel of drinking a milkshake and I think we accomplished just that. Final gravity did finish at 1.027 so it was a nice, thick mouthfeel. Couple of things to note...
The vanilla is listed at 10 beans. We used vanilla extract from Beanilla and on their website, they have a conversion table that states 1 tbsp of the extract is equivalent to 1 vanilla bean. We used 10 tbsp of the vanilla extract.
With the dry hop, the hop varieties were ok, but not 100% complimentary to the fruit. I think I'd pull out the lotus and stick with citra and huell melon in the future. The dry hop equated to about .8oz / gal and I think I'd also drop that to maybe .5oz / gal.
When it was done, we felt it was a good fruited sour but it was no milkshake sour. So to get that milkshake feel, we backsweetened in the keg with truvia. It took about 96g of truvia per 5 gallon keg to get the sweetness level that we wanted.
Upon initial taste, your palate is hit with the sweetness from the truvia. Mid sip before you swallow, you get hit with the fruit. On the backend and after you swallow, you get the vanilla and the tartness from the lactobacillus.
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Last Updated: 2020-08-31 22:05 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
Berry Milkshake Sour Ale
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
Berry Milkshake Sour Ale
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
Cost $
Cost %
Steeping Grains (Extract Only)
Cost Per Barrel
Cost Per Pint
Total Cost
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