og 1.076
fg 1.018
abc 7.6%
ibu 31
arm 5
mash ph 5.3
recipe calls for mash temp of 154, going to try for 148.
Strike water was 160, dropped down to 152-154
Water profile:
Ca: 93
SO4: 49
Recipe directions:
Mash fermentable at 148-150 for 60 minutes. target ph of 5.3
Boil for 60 minutes
Hopstand for 30 minutes @180f with 2oz of galaxy and 2 oz mosaic
Cool wort to 68 fehrenheit and pitch yeast, let temp rise to 72 degrees on days 2-3, should finish fermenting by day 5
Day 6: drop temp to 60 degrees and hold for 24 hours.
Day 7-8: add dry hop charge and hold at 60 degrees at 7 to 10 psi
Day 14: cold crash to 35 degrees for 48 hours.
Days 16: keg for 1 week