Brewed on February 16, 2023 via the BIAB method.
Strike water = 8 gallons @ 157 to reach a mash temp of 152 degrees F for 60 minutes.
SG = 7.5 gallons @ 8.9 Brix = 1.0355 g/L.
OG = 6 gallons @ 11.4 Brix = 1.0459 g/L
FG = 5.7 Brix = 1.009 g/L after correction for alcohol.
I used 10 g of gypsum, but probably should have used a bit more lactic acid to adjust pH. Wort taste a bit harsh/bitter. Hopefully the beer tastes good.
Beer tastes amazing. Only thing I think it might benefit from is just a bit of roasted barley. Maybe like 2 ounces max addition to all the other grains. I think it would also make the beer the quintessential red color needed for Irish ales.