Munchen Bitter Marzen Pilsner #10 - Beer Recipe - Brewer's Friend

Brewer's Friend


Munchen Bitter Marzen Pilsner #10

179 calories 15.2 g 12 oz
Beer Stats
Method: Extract
Style: Oktoberfest/Märzen
Boil Time: 135 min
Batch Size: 8.25 gallons (fermentor volume)
Pre Boil Size: 10 gallons
Post Boil Size: 8.25 gallons
Pre Boil Gravity: 1.045 (recipe based estimate)
Post Boil Gravity: 1.055 (recipe based estimate)
Efficiency: 80% (steeping grains only)
Source: Robert Hoyt
Calories: 179 calories (Per 12oz)
Carbs: 15.2 g (Per 12oz)
Created: Thursday December 2nd 2021
Amount Fermentable Cost PPG °L Bill %
3 lb Briess - DME Munich3 lb DME Munich 4.00 / lb
45 8 30%
7 lb Briess - DME Pilsen Light7 lb DME Pilsen Light 3.50 / lb
45 2 70%
10 lbs / 36.50
Amount Variety Cost Type AA Use Time IBU Bill %
6 oz Saaz6 oz Saaz Hops 1.25 / oz
Leaf/Whole 6.9 Boil at 212 °F 120 min 98.91 75%
2 oz Hallertau Mittelfruh2 oz Hallertau Mittelfruh Hops 1.25 / oz
Leaf/Whole 3.6 Aroma at 212 °F 15 min 7.83 25%
8 oz / 10.00
Fermentis - Saflager - German Lager Yeast W-34/70
1 Each
5.00 / each
Attenuation (custom):
Optimum Temp:
48 - 72 °F
Fermentation Temp:
55 °F
Pitch Rate:
0.35 (M cells / ml / ° P) 148 B cells required
5.00 Yeast Pitch Rate and Starter Calculator
Method: dme       Amount: 9.7 oz       Temp: 68 °F       CO2 Level: 2.4 Volumes
Target Water Profile
Balanced Profile
Ca+2 Mg+2 Na+ Cl- SO4-2 HCO3-
0 0 0 0 0 0
Quick Water Requirements
Water Gallons  Quarts
Boil water added to kettle (equipment estimates 11.18 g | 44.7 qt) 9.25 37  
Volume increase from sugar/extract (early additions) 0.75 3  
Pre boil volume (equipment estimates 11.93 g | 47.7 qt) 10 40  
Boil off losses -3.38 -13.5  
Hops absorption losses (first wort, boil, aroma) -0.3 -1.2  
Post boil volume 8.25 33  
Going into fermentor 8.25 33  
WARNING: Kettle losses > 2% detected which throw off OG calculation for extract/partial mash recipes in batch target 'fermentor' mode. Solution: Reduce kettle losses, misc losses and hops absorption in equipment profile, OR set batch target to 'kettle' and do a full wort boil. See batch target FAQ.    
Total: 9.25 37
Equipment Profile Used: System Default
                          Munchen Bitter Marzen Pilsner #10<br />
				(Bottom-fermented)<br />

				 Makes 8 Gallons<br />
				 <br />
				 <br />

3 lbs Breiss Munich DME
7 Lbs Breiss Light DME
1 pkg Fermentis Saflager 34/70 lager yeast (Started for 6 hours before pitching)

Started boil with 8.0 gal of water, boiled for a few minutes, then added dry malt extracts.
This brought the total volume of liquid up to about 9.5 gallons.
Brought to boil again, then added 6 oz Fresh Saaz, with (2) cheesecloth bags of 3 oz each.

Boiled Saaz hops for 2 hours, then in 1 cheescloth bag with 2 oz Halltertau Mittelfruh and boiled for the last 15 minutes. (total 135 minutes)
Heat was turned off, and allowed wort to cool overnight.
Hop bags squeezed and removed the next day, and wort was allowed to cool until about 60 F was reached.

Then added 7 1/4 gal to 8.5 gallon primary, with 1 gallon remaining to fill a 1-gallon clear glass jug. Airlocks installed in both containers.

Primary vessel was cooled in tub of cold water, and when temp was around 65 F, yeast started was added which had been started about 6 hours earlier. (1 package Fermentis Saflager 34/70)

Average temp surrounding primary is about 49 F.

Total fermentation time: 37 days.

Bottling - used light DME for priming - 2.4 Atmospheres @68 F.
Allow 15 days for carbonation.

15 days after bottline, bottles were moved to lagering fridge @ 33 F.

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  • Last Updated: 2022-01-07 03:34 UTC