(Extract) ~5.7gal American Light "Lager" with Lutra Kveik from a 2 stage starter.
Starter: ~850ml
SpGr: 1.042
Pitched @ 85°F on 7/10/22.
Cold crashed for 24hrs on 7/13.
Restarted 7/14 or 7/15. Same SpGr & volume. Kept outside in cardboard box.
Temps ranging from 78°F-97.9°F. Oklahoma summers.
Fermenting in 6gal Fermonster at ambient closet temps of ~72.5°-83+°F.
Brewed on Monday (7/18).
Poured entire kettle into fermenter. Going to lose ~1.8gal. Unfortunately didn't use a brew bag for the corn. Overshot intended volume up to ~6gal.
OG: 1.032 @ 68°F (maybe) on the AM of Tuesday (7/19).
Pitched about 1 tablespoon of yeast slurry from starter.
Covered with blue paper shop towel & hair tie.
Swirled fermenter.
Major blow out between Tue. (7/19) AM and Wed. (7/20) AM.
Cleaned up, sanitized, & swirled.
Minor blow out Wed. evening.
Cleaned, sanitized, & attched blow off tube.
Batch volume @ ~5.375gal.
Krausen in milk jug by Thur. (7/21) AM.
Cleaned, sanitized, & swirled.
Replaced with airlock in a couple days.
(8/11) Thur. afternoon.
Moved Fermenter to kitchen & set at an angle.
Racked to 5gal bottling bucket. Yield: 4 gallons.
FG: 1.006
Carbonating @ 2.6vols with 3.79oz (by weight) of cane sugar mixed in 1/2pt of microwaved bottled water.
Bottling yielded: 3.92 gallons
(1) 32oz Corona Familiar
(18) 12oz Beer bottles
(4) 12oz flip-top beer bottles
(5) 16oz Grolsch bottles
(5) 25.4oz Aldi flip-top bottle's