Rising from the ashes, I've recently rebuilt my system; a 3 vessel single tier cart consisting of a 5.5 gallon SS Brewtech kettle for sparge water heated on a 1800 watt induction top, a 10 gallon SS Brewtech InfuSSion mashtun, and 10 gallon Blichmann G2 boil kettle with 240v boilmaker. Two Blichmann riptide pumps push all the fluids and a Grainfather CPC for chilling. This sits on a custom wire shelving rack and the boilmaker and pumps are controlled from a DIY Auber Instruments BIAB controller. Fermentation in a SS Brewtech 7 gallon Chronical BME cooled with chilled glycol. Fermentation is controlled via a custom Legacy BrewPi setup.
My recipe inventory is heavily West Coast influenced with many varieties of IPA's but I try to keep a solid foundation of beers that span the genres.