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Brewer's Profile

    Join Date: 11/29/19
    Public: 82
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    24 Brewing Contributions for "2024"

    Includes Recipes, Brew Sessions, Inventory, Brew Logs and Tank Logs

    Shared Recipes
      Title Style Size ABV IBU Color Views Brewed
      Barley Wine 2020 American Barleywine 4.75 gal 12.19% 103.05
    988 1
      Munich/Centennial SMaSH MLK Day Black IPA Specialty IPA: Black IPA 6.25 gal 6.38% 90.28
    910 1
      Little Bo Pils v2 German Pils 12 gal 4.34% 37
    721 1
      Doppelbock-ish Lutra Kveik Doppelbock 5.5 gal 10.07% 25
    693 2
      Ordinary Bitter Ordinary Bitter 11 gal 3.17% 31.77
    556 0
      Lighter Shade of Pale v2 American Pale Ale 11 gal 4.97% 49.43
    539 0
      Brett Saison Saison 11 gal 5.69% 37.77
    513 0
      Keezer Stout again Oatmeal Stout 11.5 gal 4.34% 32.66
    493 2
      Burton Board Burton Ale 6.3 gal 7.38% 0
    483 0
      COVID-19 Siege Pale Ale American Pale Ale 6.25 gal 5.91% 50.65
    424 1
      Kveik split Mixed-Style Beer 10.5 gal 6.02% 30.4
    422 1
      Vienna Lutra Kviek Vienna Lager 5.5 gal 5.25% 29.47
    410 1
      Little Bo Pils German Pils 11 gal 5.09% 36.6
    405 1
      Rauchbier Classic Style Smoked Beer 5.5 gal 7.29% 19.73
    399 1
      Brown Smoke Ale Specialty Smoked Beer 5.5 gal 7.07% 35.31
    393 1
      COVID-2 American IPA 6.5 gal 5.6% 63.93
    386 1
      Dark Mild Dark Mild 11 gal 3.01% 16.4
    372 0
      Lighter Side of Rauchbier Classic Style Smoked Beer 5.5 gal 4.41% 27.96
    355 0
      Smokey the Pale Classic Style Smoked Beer 11 gal 5.39% 40.96
    351 1
      Saison split wort Saison 12 gal 5.31% 48.17
    351 2
      Shortest Day Brown IPA American Light Lager 10 gal 6.12% 78.19
    339 1
      Rauch Da Haus Specialty Smoked Beer 6.2 gal 6.51% 26.61
    336 0
      Local British Bitter Ale British Strong Ale 6.2 gal 5.65% 50.82
    335 1
      Smoked Brett Saison Brett Beer 11 gal 6.23% 42.95
    333 0
      Rauch Ale Specialty Smoked Beer 11.5 gal 6.87% 40.01
    332 1
      20# Sledge American IPA 6.25 gal 7.69% 131.57
    325 0
      Rauchbier v.2 Classic Style Smoked Beer 5.5 gal 6.78% 38.52
    320 1
      Koffee Kölsch Kölsch 5.5 gal 6.23% 27.85
    316 1
      English Pale/CTZ SMaSH Pale ale American Pale Ale 6.25 gal 4.55% 61.46
    315 1
      Mark's Black IPA Specialty IPA: Black IPA 5.5 gal 8.18% 90.41
    312 1
      British Bitter Best Bitter 5.5 gal 4.37% 42.13
    310 1
      Mutt Pale Lager American Lager 6.25 gal 5.31% 41.6
    310 1
      Smoke Base Classic Style Smoked Beer 11 gal 5.59% 33.98
    310 0
      This is a PALE ale, dammit! American Pale Ale 10 gal 5.38% 48.57
    305 1
      Barleywine American Barleywine 5 gal 10.71% 0
    302 0
      Club IPA Specialty IPA: White IPA 11 gal 6.29% 61.41
    297 1
      Imperial Stout partigyle Imperial Stout 5.5 gal 9.5% 35.16
    290 0
      Maris Otter/Centennial SMaSH American Pale Ale 5.5 gal 5.35% 46.9
    288 2
      Pale/Glacier SMaSH Pale Ale American Pale Ale 6.25 gal 4.55% 46.12
    287 1
      Club Cask Dark Mild Dark Mild 11.5 gal 3.44% 20.19
    287 1
      Barleywine American Barleywine 65 gal 11.92% 0
    286 0
      COVID-3 Munich/US Golding SMaSH American Porter 6.25 gal 5.82% 49.8
    286 1
      Perfect Pale American IPA 6.25 gal 6.97% 95.26
    285 1
      Rustic Saison Saison 12 gal 5.5% 37.33
    285 1
      Another Copeland Centennial SMaSH American Pale Ale 5.5 gal 4.32% 37.82
    284 2
      Rauchbier ‘23 Rauchbier 11.5 gal 5.49% 28.04
    281 1
      Keezer Stout Oatmeal Stout 11 gal 4.06% 0
    277 1
      Belgien pale Belgian Pale Ale 5.5 gal 5.35% 25.33
    273 1
      Barley Wine 2021 American Barleywine 5 gal 10.91% 0
    269 1
      Pilsner German Pils 5.5 gal 5.4% 43.7
    267 1
      Whiter Shade of Pale American Pale Ale 11 gal 5.05% 49.55
    259 1
      Brown Ale American Brown Ale 5.5 gal 6.04% 23.67
    256 1
      APA American Pale Ale 11 gal 4.79% 50.92
    255 1
      Winter Kölsch Kölsch 6.25 gal 6.29% 34.23
    255 1
      English American Pale Ale American Pale Ale 10 gal 5.27% 49.27
    252 1
      Winter Pale Ale American Pale Ale 5.5 gal 5.95% 50
    251 1
      Basic Pale Ale American Pale Ale 11 gal 4.5% 44.68
    250 1
      Bitter Ordinary Bitter 11 gal 3.91% 36.16
    249 0
      ESB Imperial IPA 5.5 gal 9.03% 131.59
    247 0
      Brett Saison Saison 12 gal 5.61% 9.99
    247 1
      Doppelbock Lager Doppelbock 6 gal 9.59% 25.12
    246 0
      Organic Pale SMaSH American Pale Ale 5.5 gal 6.73% 40.5
    244 1
      Big Brew Day Pale Ale American Pale Ale 11 gal 5.49% 48.02
    241 0
      Spring 21 Kolsch Kölsch 5.5 gal 5.1% 28.23
    240 1
      Jack’s Stout American Stout 5.5 gal 3.96% 50.71
    240 0
      Rauch-ish Ale Experimental Beer 5.5 gal 7.27% 40.53
    232 1
      Double IPA Double IPA 5.5 gal 9.13% 76.55
    229 0
      Copeland English Pale American Pale Ale 5.5 gal 6.47% 54.5
    225 1
      Marks SMIPA American IPA 5 gal 7.49% 69.58
    225 1
      Pale Ale No Profile Selected 5.5 gal 6.08% 0
    224 0
      Polypin Ordinary Bitter Ordinary Bitter 10 gal 3.43% 39.16
    219 1
      Blondelbock Doppelbock 11 gal 8.22% 25.88
    210 1
      Mark’s Black IPA v2 Specialty IPA: Black IPA 5.5 gal 8.93% 68.84
    209 1
      Larch Whiskey ESB Strong Bitter 5.5 gal 5.04% 55.28
    202 1
      Comp IPA 22 American IPA 11 gal 6.31% 0
    185 0
      Mexican Canadian from Vienna Lager Vienna Lager 11.5 gal 5.44% 30.22
    182 1
      Rauch Ale 1.2 Specialty Smoked Beer 11.5 gal 6.68% 42.17
    157 1
      New Beers Day ‘24 Rauchbier Classic Style Smoked Beer 11.5 gal 5.69% 40.64
    129 1
      SMaSH Yellow Rose-ish American IPA 11.5 gal 7.08% 59.88
    105 1
      Paler Ale Blonde Ale 11.5 gal 5.37% 54.31
    76 1
      All the Smoke Specialty Smoked Beer 11.5 gal 5.41% 45.95
    60 1
      Electric Pale American Pale Ale 11.5 gal 5.93% 72.04
    25 1
    Brew Sessions
    Title Style Brew Day Phase Type