AHarper - Brewer Profile | Brewer's Friend
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Brewer's Profile

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    Join Date: 03/13/18
    Location: Sussex, UK
    My Brewing:

    Drinking: Scottish Four Quid, Kiss My Ass, Wayner's Pale Ale, Punky Munky, Tiggy's Tipple, Foredown Lockdown and Liquid Amber
    Conditioning: Mannequin Pees
    Lots Left: all the above
    Great for clearing Drains: Foredown Falldown 2017 (Cider)
    Brewing NOW: Stoater Stout
    Brewing Soon: Pretty Vacant Gesture (Blonde Ale)

    My Beers:

    ET Phone Home
    Ripper Clone
    Thrashed Six - One
    My Peroni
    Mannequin Pees
    Aleksander Orlov
    Extractor Fan
    Santa's Grog
    Hoots Mon
    Sussex Garden
    Ancient Marina
    Ashley's Mash
    Getting Bladdered
    Who Let The Bat Stout
    Broadsword Calling Danny Boy
    Powder Keg
    Wishbone Mash
    KISS My Ass
    Foredown Lockdown
    Punky Munky
    Tiggy's Tipple

    Pretty Vacant Gesture

    TBB: Hopwarts Express,Old Crafty Hen Clone, Amberosia, Diddly Squat , Aleksandr The Second

    Public: 63
    Brew Sessions
    Ready To Drink
    All Gone

    0 Brewing Contributions for "2025"

    Includes Recipes, Brew Sessions, Inventory, Brew Logs and Tank Logs

    Shared Recipes
      Title Style Size ABV IBU Color Views Brewed
    brewer logo Old Crafty Hen (Clone) Extra Special/Strong Bitter (ESB) 20 L 5.88% 40.31
    4999 3
    beer recipe photo McEwans Champion Clone Wee Heavy 19 L 7.74% 32.1
    1913 1
    beer recipe photo Ukrainian Imperial Stout Russian Imperial Stout 21 L 9.27% 60
    1135 0
    beer recipe photo The Big Lubelski - BF Quarterly Recipe - UK Piwo Grodziskie 18.98 L 3.25% 26.65
    1067 1
    beer recipe photo Platinum Jubilee Ale Strong Bitter 21 L 5.2% 62.63
    1004 1
    beer recipe photo FirstBashMash Round 2 American IPA 21 L 6.96% 52.85
    991 0
    beer recipe photo ET Phone Home Standard/Ordinary Bitter 25 L 3.49% 26.21
    988 0
    beer recipe photo Santa's Grog Belgian Dark Strong Ale 12 L 7.99% 20.85
    931 1
    beer recipe photo PUNKY MUNKY American IPA 20 L 6.22% 65.25
    767 3
    brewer logo Wishbone Mash British Strong Ale 20 L 6.37% 50
    700 1
    beer recipe photo Pretty Vacant Gesture Blonde Ale 19 L 5.28% 23.82
    698 1
    beer recipe photo Thrashed Six - One Strong Bitter 18 L 6.14% 45.66
    675 1
    beer recipe photo Bob Toot's Cream Ale Cream Ale 18.9 L 4.97% 17.37
    673 1
    brewer logo American Pale Ale American Pale Ale 23 L 5.25% 48.3
    667 0
    beer recipe photo Here We Go Luppolo Oktoberfest/Märzen 23 L 5.63% 26.65
    651 0
    beer recipe photo Three Legged Dog Specialty IPA: New England IPA 20 L 6.93% 41.01
    630 1
    beer recipe photo Tiggy's Tipple California Common 21 L 5.39% 32.75
    625 1
    beer recipe photo Get Your Coat Stout My Sweet Irish Stout 21 L 4.33% 40.05
    623 0
    beer recipe photo Ale-Ian Redeye Irish Red Ale 20 L 5.18% 20.64
    616 1
    beer recipe photo Wayner's Pale Ale American Pale Ale 20 L 6.24% 43.83
    615 1
    beer recipe photo Special Breakfast American Pale Ale 10 L 5.55% 49.67
    612 0
    brewer logo Wayfinder Relapse Cold IPA American IPA 23.0002 L 6.99% 84.93
    598 0
    beer recipe photo Who Let The Bat Stout Irish Stout 21 L 4.14% 42.06
    595 1
    beer recipe photo Ale-Ian Redeye 2 Irish Red Ale 20 L 5.02% 24.29
    589 0
    brewer logo HOPWARTS EXPRESS 2 English Barleywine 21 L 9.79% 54.09
    581 0
    beer recipe photo Shut Your Trappist Trappist Single 21 L 5.23% 36.63
    567 1
    beer recipe photo Yankee Pankee American Pale Ale 21 L 5.68% 46.57
    564 1
    beer recipe photo Aleksandr Orlov Best Bitter 18 L 4.5% 27.7
    558 0
    beer recipe photo Ben's Dark Mild Dark Mild 21 L 3.45% 26.05
    536 1
    beer recipe photo Extractor Fan Standard/Ordinary Bitter 21 L 3.7% 35.62
    535 1
    beer recipe photo Stoater Stout Irish Stout 20 L 4.08% 35.36
    527 1
    beer recipe photo Diddly Squat Experimental Beer 10 L 0.72% 10.59
    521 0
    beer recipe photo Foredown Lockdown English Barleywine 18.18 L 8.91% 36.19
    507 1
    beer recipe photo Ancient Marina American Pale Ale 23 L 5.37% 43.57
    506 1
    beer recipe photo Shady Bohemian_3 Czech Dark Lager 22 L 5.24% 24.57
    500 1
    beer recipe photo MentoRed 5 gallons UK American Amber Ale 18 L 5.55% 31.4
    495 1
    beer recipe photo Mannequin Pees_US Belgian Dubbel 5.3 gal 7.03% 20.69
    491 0
    beer recipe photo Hoots Mon Scottish Heavy 23 L 3.57% 18.08
    485 1
    beer recipe photo International Fescue 2 International Amber Lager 21 L 5.19% 15.2
    479 0
    beer recipe photo Scottish Four Quid Scottish Export 19 L 4.66% 24.08
    478 1
    beer recipe photo Mannequin Pees Belgian Dubbel 20 L 7.04% 20.29
    467 1
    beer recipe photo Amberosia American Amber Ale 20 L 5.11% 27.88
    455 0
    beer recipe photo Ashley's Mash English IPA 21 L 5.14% 47.3
    429 1
    beer recipe photo The BrexitBeer British Strong Ale 22 L 6.01% 58.62
    414 1
    beer recipe photo Irish Fling Red Ale Irish Red Ale 25 L 5.33% 25.63
    410 1
    brewer logo SECONDBASHMASH English IPA 23.5 L 5.24% 42.33
    408 0
    beer recipe photo Winter Cracker Ordinary Bitter 21 L 3.64% 33.38
    404 0
    beer recipe photo Dunkle Wilhelm Dunkles Bock 23 L 6.9% 22.56
    401 0
    beer recipe photo Sussex Garden Ordinary Bitter 25 L 3.24% 30.09
    399 1
    beer recipe photo Universally Challenged Extra Special/Strong Bitter (ESB) 20 L 6% 48.84
    398 1
    beer recipe photo HMKC3 English IPA 23.0002 L 5.12% 59.58
    395 0
    beer recipe photo Broadsword Calling Danny Boy Special/Best/Premium Bitter 20 L 4.58% 26.46
    388 1
    beer recipe photo Diddly Squat 2 Experimental Beer 20 L 0.7% 33.01
    386 0
    beer recipe photo KISSMYASS American Pale Ale 23 L 4.64% 35.54
    375 1
    beer recipe photo Powder Keg American Amber Ale 23 L 5.01% 26.19
    374 1
    beer recipe photo MyPeroni4 German Pilsner (Pils) 21 L 5.03% 30.72
    360 0
    brewer logo Atlantic IPA American Pale Ale 21 L 5.42% 34.92
    355 0
    beer recipe photo Getting Bladdered Best Bitter 23 L 4.04% 38.45
    350 0
    beer recipe photo Hellish Camden 2 Munich Helles 24.01 L 4.85% 17.47
    333 1
    beer recipe photo Keep Taking The Pils International Pale Lager 22.7 L 4.83% 20.08
    333 1
    beer recipe photo Minnie Ripper Clone English IPA 20 L 5.53% 50.95
    330 0
    beer recipe photo Northease Bitter Strong Bitter 22.01 L 6% 45.28
    296 0
    brewer logo Herm’s Azacca Wheat American Wheat Beer 13.6 L 6.67% 46.88
    276 1
    Brew Sessions
    Title Style Brew Day Phase Type
    Brew Photos