Yeast manage

It's darn near impossible to get an accurate measure of how much healthy yeast is in the trub after fermentation. Fortunately the yeast don't care too much. You can be significantly off and the yeast will still do what they are supposed to do. So, just take a wild guess and as @Bigbre04 says, don't worry about over-pitching.
Having spent many hours counting yeasties through a microscope. I can confirm that it's really a ballpark number.

A proper lab setup can get you that ballpark, but with the cost of quality dry yeast being so low compared to potentially having an issue from poor pitching or infection, at my small scale it just doesn't make sense. It really only starts making sense when you get into much bigger gear imo.
According to John's Palmer book (I'm reading those days) Indeed it's ok to overpitch, but if over pitch to much will cause a problem.
So a another question now
Each batch yeast is reproducing right? So what if i use same yeast again and again for lets say 5-6 batches
Honestly I wouldn't bother, it really takes alot of time and it can limit the batches you can produce vs storing dry yeast and single pitching it.

A 500g block from apex only costs about $50. I get 2 batches out of it. The whole block is paid for it I sell <10 beers from that tank.

When I was using higher end yeasties, I did repitch, but it was a pain in the ass and I found that my beer quality suffered somewhat. I am not big enough to have the gear to properly harvest yeast and store it. Lallemand that I was buying before was $200 a brick for reference.

I also make so many different types of beer that it doesn't make sense to try to harvest.
Honestly I wouldn't bother, it really takes alot of time and it can limit the batches you can produce vs storing dry yeast and single pitching it.

A 500g block from apex only costs about $50. I get 2 batches out of it. The whole block is paid for it I sell <10 beers from that tank.

When I was using higher end yeasties, I did repitch, but it was a pain in the ass and I found that my beer quality suffered somewhat. I am not big enough to have the gear to properly harvest yeast and store it. Lallemand that I was buying before was $200 a brick for reference.

I also make so many different types of beer that it doesn't make sense to try to harvest.
It's more for experience than economy, yeast is cheap,
Also I'm reading that reused yeast making better fermentations,
I will reuse it 4-5 times ro see what will happen
It's more for experience than economy, yeast is cheap,
Also I'm reading that reused yeast making better fermentations,
I will reuse it 4-5 times ro see what will happen
For sure i was speaking about at bigger scale. Generally generation 2-3 will make the best beer!
I re-use yeast for about 3 or 4 batches by just leaving it in the fermenter and pour new wort on top.

I keg or bottle the beer while the new batch is (no)chilling and put the new wort the same day
I re-use yeast for about 3 or 4 batches by just leaving it in the fermenter and pour new wort on top.

I keg or bottle the beer while the new batch is (no)chilling and put the new wort the same day
On that case you have alot of trub? Or you use whirlpool ?
