Who is brewing today?

I needed to brew today we had a freak weather anomaly 70f but freezing rain tomorrow :eek: needed to brew but supplies showed up late so had to pass :(
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That sucks Ozarks that's why is good to buy grain in bulk so no matter what you can brew on a whim depending upon what you've got in the barrel so to speak :). I'm about out of Pilsner malt and have been uming and ahing weather to just purchase smaller amounts when I need em but I'm thinking its time to buy a new sack of malt probably golden promise this time me thinks;).

Hope the weather it kind to you Ozarks it sounds nasty
Yes my final volume is 10. I start at 12 to get that but I usually buy bags of grain ahead, this year I ran out just before the holidays and didn't restock anything
Brewed up a Guiness clone yesterday afternoon/evening. That's my 7th brew in 17 days. Been dodging weather like Ozarks but it's been relatively cooperative. Last week I had to pull a few buckets into the house and rig a heater in my ferment chamber freezer but now we're back up to 70-80 degrees day time temp and I'm almost too warm again. Fortunately most stuff is in secondary and the one lager I have going is ready for cold-crash/lager so it can go in the fridge.
The first brews are getting ready for kegging soon and I'll be getting some fermenters freed up. Should have plenty of beer on hand for our big party. ;)
It's better than measuring air but you are measuring the coolest spot of the fermentation (the interface between the fermentor and the air in the fridge). Better still, get a bucket of water, put it in the fridge and measure the temperature of the water. It won't be exact but the water will dampen out the temperature swings.

I keep a cup of water in the freezer with a floating thermometer just as a secondary reference. That thing was about spot on temp wise with the InkBird. The issue is the deepest part of the freezer (which has a metal floor) that is right above the condenser coils on which the fermenter sat. The cup of water was on a shelf just above the floor so it didn't catch the major temp. zone differences. This is the first time I've used this freezer for anything beer relates...so live and learn. I think it will be fine with some tweaks to the set-up and more strategic placement of the temp. probe.

Anyway, the CaraPils Pilsner is about done in primary and looks healthy. I'll take a gravity reading Saturday and move it to a secondary fermenter for lagering in the new freezer setup.

Thanks for everyone's comments.
I'm brewing my "American Kolsch" tomorrow. Basically it's a all malt (2-row) cream ale.
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Brewing my T-b Pilsner today same grain bill 3.5kg pils .5kg Munich 1 hops are different with 10g magnum for Bittering then 20g sazz at 20min and 15g Hellertau mittlefruh hop stand 20min for aroma /flavour inspired by Head First cheers mate. Going to ferment with 34/70 :) looking forward to a clean crisp slightly malty Pilsner
Well she's all done nice golden colour that hydro sample has dropped too to prove that the trub does affect the hydrometer sample full of trub it was 1.048 now after a few hours settling it's reading 1.044 but probably closer to 1.046 accounting for sample temp of 30 degrees. so cheers Jerry P I woulda been cheating :p


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Nightmare brew session last night, Friday the 13th.
That feeling when you realize your calcium chloride addition was actually calcium carbonate.
BF to the rescue! Only 21mL more 10% acid!
You'll be able to Colect your yeast out the bottom of the conical any pictures there wood house :).
I'm about ready to mash-out then I'll have a 60 min. brew. I'll post the Fast Fermenter when its full at the end of the session, Trialben.

I'm pretty interested to see how this thing works. So far it seems pretty well built. I spent a lot of time breaking in the threads (as the instructions recommends). It comes with a wall mount, but I am using a stand so I can move it around. If I decide to mount it, I'll probably get a few more and have a whole row on a wall.
I had so much fun yesterday on my first brew, I almost did it again today. But I'm going to wait til next saturday.
Well she's all done nice golden colour that hydro sample has dropped too to prove that the trub does affect the hydrometer sample full of trub it was 1.048 now after a few hours settling it's reading 1.044 but probably closer to 1.046 accounting for sample temp of 30 degrees. so cheers Jerry P I woulda been cheating :p
Trub absolutely effects hydro meters. I learned that lesson the hard way...
