Where does your beer go

I have to admit to making a lot of cider from packs of apple juice on the left over trub. It's just soooo easy, and pretty much on par, or better than what I can get here...

Can you expand on that? I'm curious about making cider and if it can be made from leftovers then I will give it a crack
For sure.
Can't be simpler...
I syphon the beer to a bottling bucket and pour apple juice on the left over yeast/hop in the fermentation bucket.
Sometimes I add some sugar.
Leave it to stand for 2 weeks or so and then bottle
Just make sure you check the label on the apple juice. So far, I have found that the stuff from the cooling doesn't work well (because of preservatives) but the packs that are on the shelves are fine (they have vitamin C as preservative (ascorbine acid) )

I have even had success with apple juice, sugar and instant dry yeast (baker's yeast) when the temperatures got up to 35+ oC.
(that wasn't on trub though)
