What's your next brew

Half IPA and half better bitter
Next one is the quarterly challenge red of a while ago.
Waiting for the temperatures to make it possible. Got the yeast and sort of got the malt & hops

That is a good one! I finished the last bottle of that one this past weekend and will definitely make it again!
Looking like Memorial Day for me. I’ll brew a bitter of some sort using London III since I have good amount of it collected from my last brew. I’ll probably add some roast to it.
Ok here it tis Bunyip Pale ale

Brewing this on the weekend it's gotta be conditioned and ready to serve on the 24th of this month for my bros birthday.

He's a fan of this beer and I want to drink something hoppy so win win.
Using BRY-97 again I loved that yeast in Mentors Red I just loved the way it layed the malt out I think it'll work great In this beer.
Wish me luck:)
I'll be brewing a roasted dark lager mild, this should be good, just love a properly roasted beer
I'll be brewing another version of my Dark Mild as well this time I'm gunna use Marris otter for base some choc malt of hopefully English heritage and yup a packet or two :D of dates in the no chill cool down overnight tied up in them little hop baggies.
Just gotta sort some yeast maybe some Windsor fingers crossed for its lower attenuation and I think it can't ferment Maltotrios
I'll be brewing another version of my Dark Mild as well this time I'm gunna use Marris otter for base some choc malt of hopefully English heritage and yup a packet or two :D of dates in the no chill cool down overnight tied up in them little hop baggies.
Just gotta sort some yeast maybe some Windsor fingers crossed for its lower attenuation and I think it can't ferment Maltotrios
Hey Ben, I found this for yeast choices
I’ve never used 565. How do you like it?
Love it! Leaves a but of malt flavour weirdly enough doesn't attenuate as dry as other saisons it's more around 80 than 90+.

Maybe a little spice I get this mustardy thing from it too.
But it's a pretty clean yeast really.
I’ve never used 565. How do you like it?
Here is whitelabs specks on it.
Sorta matches what I've found with it.
They list it as 70-75 % attenuation yup I get around 80.
But a great little sasion yeast I'm on gen 8 this brew got it over a year ago now and it's gone from strength to strength I keep the Max ferm temp at 26c I'll hope to pitch at or around 21c and let it free rise straight off the mark to my set point for 26c
It'll reach this day 2-3 and I'll hold it here till a week in where I know it will be done.
There is talk of it stalling but so far what I do with it works.
Hey that yeast as in the linky is diastaticus positive megary just keep in mind I've had absolutely not dramas with it FWIW 2c:D
