What's your next brew

Going to squeeze a 4.3% session Hazy in ahead of the Q2 brew.
Planning to brew the Hazy this Friday, and the Dumby Piss, or the Mannequin Pees, the following Friday.
Will probably brew the next 3-4 Fridays, need to get ahead so I can brew holiday brews and get them bottled to set to the side and forget about until December.
This week I'm hoping to brew a one gallon batch of the community brew (grains and yeast are in transit) and a 2.5 gal batch of an East coast blonde with Amarillo and Falconer's flight hops. If I play my cards right, I can rack the blonde ale on top of the US05 yeast cake from my currently fermenting cream ale
I will be brewing a Dunkel Saturday using yeast from the Vienna lager I’m kegging tonight. This will keep my stocked since my next brew is the Community Dubbel which will be bottled.
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Brewing @AHarper's Belgian Dubbel this weekend...REALLY need to run a batch of my "Shore Leave" Cali Common before summer, too much beer on hand already.
I’ve got a California common on my schedule this summer. I was going for what BYO had for the Anchor version. I think 90/10 2 row and crystal 60 with Northern brewer hops. What is your grain bill if you don’t mind me asking?
Now that I have a VOSS fermented Session Hazy in the fermenter, the next brew is the Q2 Belgian Dubbel
Now that "Alan's Mann Pee" is in the fermenter, "Shore Leave" California Common and a light recipe listed as "Kayak Romance" are on the docket, could do Shore Leave next weekend, Kayak Romance will be after Q2 gets bottled...kind of a "gateway beer" you know, fucking near water with a "craft" label.
