I'm getting some sweetness in the Wayner-s Pale now I thought that might be the mosaic maybe it's the Centennial and or that and the malt
I'm not sure what to brew next yet
LAGER -Pilsner most likely
Or another pale ale with that verdant yeast
Oh what's your thoughts on this yeast
@BOB357 I didn't get back to you on it?
Or I've been thinking wheat beer too and using gash slugs idea of using 1/3 of the wort just as fermentation winding up to apparently drive some more authentic flavours from the yeast ...
He did a split batch one using method above and other just straight fermentation and he reckons both beers are distinctly different rekons the 1/3 post ferm wort wheatbeir to be "more complex".
Maybe all three in consecutive order lol