What's your next brew

I'm brewing that Northern Brewer Lemondrop Saison that @Mase turned me on to... picked up the grain bill last Saturday had to order the hops online min purchase was 8oz @ $1.49 per oz also picked up 8oz of Manderina Bavaria for a Hef that i'm going to try my hand at.
Going to try my hand at a Munich-helles for the fist time....tomorrow (Sat)
My Chintennial IPA. 84% 2-row, 4% C-10, 4% Vienna and 8% cane sugar. 28g Chinook@60, 57g Chinook & 57g Centennial whirlpool for 20 and the same amount of both dry hop 7 days. Mash at 152F and ferment at 66F with BRY-97. First time trying this yeast. Expected to weigh in at 7%ABV and just under 70IBUs.
I have the Lemongrass Ginger Wheat queued up for this weekend. Small batch, still burning down inventory.
Doing my Brick in the Wall Amber ale this morning.
My local brewery has been doing this, they are adding the calcium chloride to carbonated water to help at absorb and breakdown the water, I will be trying this this morning.
I've had a sour orange creamsicle ale and the 2018 cooper's barleywine ready to go since monday. got a late start so didn't have time to brew then. With the kid's 1st bday party this weekend, doesn't look like i'll be brewing until the following weekend
Doing my Brick in the Wall Amber ale this morning.
My local brewery has been doing this, they are adding the calcium chloride to carbonated water to help at absorb and breakdown the water, I will be trying this this morning.

Not sure I follow what you mean here.
I was talking with one of our local brew masters while he was brewing up a 20 gallon test batch. We were talking about water profiles and he's been using about a cup of carbonated water and adding his calcium chloride to the carbonated water, they say that the calcium chloride will absorb into the water at a much better rate by doing this.
I've done it on my last two batches, and when you put the calcium chloride into the carbonated water it goes all fizzy and a little calcium chloride marbles I'll disappear into the water. All fizzy and a little calcium chloride marbles all disappear into the water.
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oops… Just fixed that
Probably be weekend after next, but it will be a Centennial Blonde.
Stout ...bit of a change for me ! I'll keep this one as a session strength so aim for low 6% of roasty, toasty goodness .
Have a brew curious friend and budding beer nerd joining me for a Sunday afternoon session and its a long weekend here to celebrate HRH Queen Elizabeth II birthday ...bottoms up Liz
I'm going to take the plunge and do an all late hop pale ale - likely straying into IPA territory. That is, after I clean my fermentation chamber after the last blow-off catastrophe!
Going to do some hop clearing with my apa. I'm going to add all my dry hops at or a bit before high krausen just for something different.
My efficiency has gone up a bit so I'm thinking my gravity will be well over what I have here on the recipe, but leaving it alone for this brew. I think the last time I brewed this I was at 86% if memory serves...fine by me!
All grains, except for the victory are from Root Shoot Malting. My farm is directly across from theirs, so I guess I'm brewing pretty local!
