Yeah I'm gunna give it a try I'm just wondering how much head pressure they will handle on the keg. Let's say there is 10psi in there I'm imagining you gotta drop some pounds out before getting the injector syringe going.Yeah, definitely looks like it would do wonders for sanitation, doesn't it? Looks like a great way to put in ANY additive, for that matter. I see some recipes calling for extracts (not malt, but fruit, etc) for flavoring. Seems like a smarter way to go considering they're already sterile and ready to change the flavor quickly. Could make some pretty good beers with very little recipe change.
You know it's funny I've had a couple of syringes in my brew cabinet since Matilda was born I grabbed them thinking they might come in handy for measuring my acid pH additions will never thought of doing this with them
Yeah he's good value old Gashslug.