What are you drinking right now?

Homebrewed cider. I have some French loaves proofing. I wasn't able to knead the dough because of my back for a long time, but it seemed to go alright today. If it turns out well I'll post a photo in the bread thread
Waiting for the local stuff to get cold and drinking a toast to Mrs. Sandy and her hard fought battle with cancer that ended yesterday. Life is going to be a whole lot different after the shock. Being in absolute panic mode over the last four months has done something to me, and I am trying to learn how to relax again.View attachment 29394
I am so sorry for your loss @Sandy Feet. Your wife (and you) will be in my prayers.
Waiting for the local stuff to get cold and drinking a toast to Mrs. Sandy and her hard fought battle with cancer that ended yesterday. Life is going to be a whole lot different after the shock. Being in absolute panic mode over the last four months has done something to me, and I am trying to learn how to relax again.View attachment 29394
Oh crap. Even if it is expected, even if you see it coming, it still hurts, bad. My sincere and deepest condolences.

(Is someone cutting onions in here?)

Words fail me. I am so very sorry.
Josh's 80 shilling. Just perfectly spot on. Not fizzy (not supposed to be), with a good hint of caramel and malt, and a muted hops presence. I should be drinking this a lot warmer, like 55F. Not as clear as it was, since it rode several hours in the car, rousing the yeast.


I'm pretty happy I have another bottle for later...
Josh's 80 shilling. Just perfectly spot on. Not fizzy (not supposed to be), with a good hint of caramel and malt, and a muted hops presence. I should be drinking this a lot warmer, like 55F. Not as clear as it was, since it rode several hours in the car, rousing the yeast.

View attachment 29438

I'm pretty happy I have another bottle for later...
Glad the taste is good. The others should clear up well.
@Donoroto Brown Ale. Nice chocolate and toffee. Bitterness is higher than expected mixing nicely with the dark malts and balancing the sweetness Super tasty, glad I have two bottles. View attachment 29458
Follow up. I really enjoyed it. Some nice complexity there. It was super tasty.
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@Donoroto Brown Ale. Nice chocolate and toffee. Bitterness is higher than expected mixing nicely with the dark malts and balancing the sweetness Super tasty, glad I have two bottles. View attachment 29458
More bitter than intended. I wanted it even sweeter. But it is what it is.

Note to self: pay attention to AAs when substituting hops...
More bitter than intended. I wanted it even sweeter. But it is what it is.

Note to self: pay attention to AAs when substituting hops...
It was super nice Don. I’d gladly drink it often. :)

Courtesy of @Donoroto. No Czech inspired Pilsners that I’ve had taste anything like this.
@BarbarianBrewer this is up your alley. I never miss an opportunity to buy this one when I see it.
For those that haven’t tried it, take a London Pride, which most have tried and make it more bitter but not too much.
View attachment 29472
One of my all-time favorites. And drinking one frequently leads me to listen to Iron Maiden's The Trooper. ;)
