What are you drinking right now?

GF XPA this Vic Secret is to me tropical fruit and Resinous over the last to brews I've thrown it into the WP DHa

I just had another look online looks like my tasters are not being fooled
Ale brewed with rosemary and cranberry juice. I added the rosemary with 10 minutes left in the boil and the cranberry juice (500 ml to 10l of beer) at bottling. Inspired by a recipe on beerandbrewing.com. Turned out well, cranberry flavour level about right, rosemary in the background.


  • Photo Festivus Cran.jpg
    Photo Festivus Cran.jpg
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Ale brewed with rosemary and cranberry juice. I added the rosemary with 10 minutes left in the boil and the cranberry juice (500 ml to 10l of beer) at bottling. Inspired by a recipe on beerandbrewing.com. Turned out well, cranberry flavour level about right, rosemary in the background.
That’s neat!
Escaped the house in the ongoing icemageddon to our favorite local watering hole, The Bier Stein. Walking from the car to the entrance was a special kind of fun on wet greased concrete. I am drinking Magnanimous IPA by Fort George Brewing in Astoria, OR. This brew features Grand Fir tips, along with Chinook and Simcoe to highlight a coniferous goodness. Not pictured is her 2 Towns Cosmic Crisp Cider. High praise to those who get out to serve the public in difficult times.
View attachment 28050Escaped the house in the ongoing icemageddon to our favorite local watering hole, The Bier Stein. Walking from the car to the entrance was a special kind of fun on wet greased concrete. I am drinking Magnanimous IPA by Fort George Brewing in Astoria, OR. This brew features Grand Fir tips, along with Chinook and Simcoe to highlight a coniferous goodness. Not pictured is her 2 Towns Cosmic Crisp Cider. High praise to those who get out to serve the public in difficult times.
Wow that must be piney
In the best way, almost a soft pineyness.
So more like a spruce and not a southern Yellow Pine or Loblolly? ;) Somehow, I didn't get pine from my Simcoe/Pale malt Smash. It was supposed to be piney. I do get a late bitterness from Simcoe that lingers just a bit, but that's a case of mind over matter. I don't mind, so it don't matter. It isn't an overbearing bitter, which somehow makes me think that would be a good beer with a fish dish. I gotta do that one again sometime. The older it got, the more interesting.
No, I wasn't aware of it. I might have to check that out. Next up, maybe tomorrow, Heady Topper from the Alchemist , Vermont
Ask for the recipe while you're there... ;)
