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Really loving my creamy full bodied aromatic bunyip beer. Cheers

Not sure if Americans no what a Bunyip is your google search should suffice:).

Sounds like a good name for a hop monster!
It seems to be a special malt that one. I havnt brewed with it in a while.
Was your calcium chloride water level higher for thia extra maltiness?
No, I think it was the malt itself. Same CaCl2 level, I'm just manipulating the acidity to get a mash pH of 5.2. Crystal clear beers, a result of that!
No, I think it was the malt itself. Same CaCl2 level, I'm just manipulating the acidity to get a mash pH of 5.2. Crystal clear beers, a result of that!
I've definitely been able to get crisper dryer well attenuated Pilsner using higher gypsum but I've not really concentrated on the reverse for a more maltier beer. Current beer in keg is a Marzen beer with plenty of dark Munich and Vienna malt with a touch of melanoidin so will see how this malty beer fairs on the pallet:). My PH meter has gone spaco so I need a new tip so last two brews have been flying blind with PH just going off brewersfriend water calculator predicted PH.
Been guzling some bohimian pilsners here you go @sn00ky i said 2 weeks and she will be clear or thereabouts. Cheers all to a relaxing sunday arvo.
Well done sir, well done!
I got my alien carbed and lagering, tasted a few days ago and really young still, hoping it it just going lager anyway....
Well done sir, well done!
I got my alien carbed and lagering, tasted a few days ago and really young still, hoping it it just going lager anyway....
Yeah this one is comming into its prime now yes a very rewarding brew once you get it correct. Now a storm is rumbling in the distance and its still winter what is going on!
Cant wait to see how the alien brew looks snook!
Stella clone, test bottle from March, holding in good for 5 months...
I've never really got to the fruit beer thing, but seems more and more conversations, people and situations are leading me to giving it a go....

I moved back to drawing from the keg, here's my red nitro soup, made from random ingredients to clean up stock, poured nitro, absolutely love it and back on my never ending rebrew list !!!


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Drinking my house rye APA , may have gone overboard with the rye this time at 25% and tried to brew it on a friends 3V system and gylcol chilled to pitching temp in 35 minutes so not quite the hop bite I'm used to getting from my no chilled versions but still a nice beer that laces glass well and great hop aroma you can smell from a metre away
Opened a bottle of my year and a half old RIS (14.5% ABV) ...holding up really well no off flavors, bitterness has definitely dropped off and Carmel , chocolate and coffee are steering the boat.
I will note a weird pour phenomenon- lined up 3 glasses; first glass little to no carb, second glass 1" thick cappuccino colored head, third glass lite carbonation no head..confusing o_O
Opened a bottle of my year and a half old RIS (14.5% ABV) ...holding up really well no off flavors, bitterness has definitely dropped off and Carmel , chocolate and coffee are steering the boat.
I will note a weird pour phenomenon- lined up 3 glasses; first glass little to no carb, second glass 1" thick cappuccino colored head, third glass lite carbonation no head..confusing o_O
Oils or soap in the glasses? Could be that or it could be the second glass had no dust in it. Bubbles need condensation nuclei to get going - if the first and third glasses were squeaky-clean, that could explain it.
Oils or soap in the glasses? Could be that or it could be the second glass had no dust in it. Bubbles need condensation nuclei to get going - if the first and third glasses were squeaky-clean, that could explain it.
Thought of that but all 3 were identical glasses taken for beside one another, stored upside down in same cabinet. My hypothesis is linked to bottle shape (swing top 16oz ez cap) if after ...first glass poured the slight rollback into the bottle stirred enough sediment to nucleate the remainder and thus be poured into 2nd glass leaving 3rd slightly carbonated
Introducing my young and malty octoberfiest marzen brew. I feel this brew is definitely nice and srrong on the malt and mouthfeel but finnishes clean and light not much bitterness except if you take a good gulp. Head retention is there it laces a little but prob a finger on pour. Its got a nice amber/golden colour. Aroma is malty/honey sweetness attenuated to 1.010 though must be from the dark munich Vienna bohimian pils combo and maybe the melanoidon 300g addition too much going on this early to pick. This is going to only get better as it matures into its prime goodness a month or more mmmm but im not sure it will last that long.
Very pleased with this marzen at this stage and a slurry fermented beer at that. Cheers


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I'm right there with you, now I'm drinking my coors clone, slightly spicier than coors but still darn good
I just tasted my Red Rye, Maerzen and my Fest Helles. Gentlemen, once this is packaged and carbed, I wish I could share some of it with you. The Rye is a bit on the bitter side, not unpleasantly so but definitely balanced toward that end of the scale. I'm reducing to 20 IBU for next version and yes, there will be a next version.
So got back from camping up burumba dam don't know if any Aussies know of it a picturesque dam near Imbil SE QLD. Got home today and Sampling some brews I've been missing eg the light Warterd down lagers we produce here in Aus.

That pils is really hittin the spot right now a classic tasty brew a perfect brew for anyone wishing to dip their toe in the lager /pils side of life just keep your gear clean and your ur hard work will reward you with the bohemian pils malt it definitely is special stuff:).​


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