What are you drinking right now?

I'm HOT!
Beer's COLD!
Match made in Heaven!
The glass is from the Naughty Monk Brewery in Lakewood Ranch, Fl
The beer is Hofbrau Oktoberfestbier in the 5 liter keg.
Naughty Monk.JPG
Festbier. A little more Munich would have helped it taste more to style. I do quite like this though View attachment 12365
Ah that's a damned good looking beer Josh I think your the first hombrewed fest beer in this thread this year. Enjoy you've earned it putting up with them kids all day aye?
Ah that's a damned good looking beer Josh I think your the first hombrewed fest beer in this thread this year. Enjoy you've earned it putting up with them kids all day aye?
Right now I’m putting up with them virtually but I can still use a beer! Next week we are full tilt. This week was limited each day
Having a pint of my Hop Hunter like IPA. I'm calling it Hop Hinter. I switched base malts a few batches back and all of my beers have been hazy ever since. Using Briess Brewers Malt now. Used kettle finings, cold crashed, added gelatin and using a Top Draw in the keg. Pretty much the only difference is the base malt. Will be changing that again with my next grain order.

Hop Hinter.jpg
Opened the first bottle of Easy Amber, and I'm loving it. I'm having consistent priming issues, though :/ it's been bottle conditioning 13 days, should I leave it longer?
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I found two weeks was good 7g/lt I did on sugar but its been along while since I primed a bottle of hombrew so take with a grain of salt.
Best bet try and condition at ferm temp or above.
Having a pint of my Hop Hunter like IPA. I'm calling it Hop Hinter. I switched base malts a few batches back and all of my beers have been hazy ever since. Using Briess Brewers Malt now. Used kettle finings, cold crashed, added gelatin and using a Top Draw in the keg. Pretty much the only difference is the base malt. Will be changing that again with my next grain order.

View attachment 12372
Must be higher protein content in grain maybe I'm interested as to why?
If be expecting better head retention to then I suppose...
I found two weeks was good 7g/lt I did on sugar but its been along while since I primed a bottle of hombrew so take with a grain of salt.
Best bet try and condition at ferm temp or above.
Thanks for the tip. Sucrose or dextrose sugar?
And finally, Wee Babby Brew pumpkin ale. Very dry, spices only at the end, very tasty


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