What are you drinking right now?

Gulden Draak Ale

A nice kick in the ass and coming in a bit hot at 10.5%, but balanced nicely by the caramel/toffee from the malt. Like a barleywine without being overly malty. Crisp even. Excellent sipper. Probably should be my goodnight beer, but unfortunately for me it won’t. That’s why I’m writing this stuff down now, so I can remember.

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Only the second time I've seen that beer. I've got a bottle on one of my display shelves above the keezer. Can't remembre where I got it or how it tasted.

I'm taking my end of brew day meds. A shot of Evan Williams and a pint of my Cascade Pale Ale. Both taste like another is in order.
Just a bit more cleanup and then get a yard bird ready to grill.
Finally it is Friday evening, the first week back from vacation is always a long one. This is called Hazy State by Collective Arts Brewing 4.1%, it is what I based my Low Speed Chase on. I must humbly say that mine was a better beer, but this is very, very good beer.
What an awesome line up gee wizz I don't think I've seen such a Stella flight of beers one after the other in this thread like that for some time making me thirsty here Fellas only an hour if so till knock off and I'm joining you!

Layday Lager Amber Lager my colab beer it's alright lernt a lesson on this one keep the roast out of a lager well English roasted barley anyhow ha ha!
Drink your mistakes right well this one ain't too bad....

Oh and because it's summer over there:D
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