What are you drinking right now?

Hoppy blond I've learnt something this brew if adding large fruit addition max out the body passionfruit thins the body but it's got plenty of fruit.
Trying to show how light in color it is this is around a month old now
Thanks. Only finings for this one was a KICK tablet in the kettle. It cleared nicely after about a week in the keg at 38F.
On a break from cleaning the garage (or was I rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic), I decided to open a bottle of Herm’s Luna Azul. After only six days in bottle, it exhibits a fair amount of carbonation. Head diminished quickly, but effervescence continues breaking the surface . The nose has good aroma of citrus, and that orange comes through on the flavor too. The body is less “mouth filling” than was hoped for, but it is crisp and crushable. I am reminded of a beer named Orange Wheat, brewed by Hangar 24 (a local brewery in Redlands, CA). My wife, for whom I crafted this beer, approves. However, she suggests my next batch be brewed with a Belgian yeast to get the banana esters that she loves in Blue Moon.
First pour of Franconian Lager a la Dry Dock Brewing. It's a delightful beer and, finally, I have to admit the decoction made a difference. View attachment 10517
Oh that does look delightful I'm in the yes decoction is worth it boat.

I'd say if your in a pinch and brewing a lager and all you have is pilsner malt then a decoction or two will add some complexity to your finished beer.
My latest version of Hop Blonde. I'm off today till later this afternoon and haven't had an opportunity to sample this yet. This brew is 8 days old and while it'll get a bit better and clear up more, it's perfectly drinkable right now. I won't be consuming any more booze till next week so I'm looking forward to seeing how it improves over the next few days.

See that middle one says Australian IPA that's prob because of Galaxy? Wonder if they used Aussie malt too like Barrett Bursons or Joe White.

Love the look of that first one with that lovely frothy head.
Yes, it is a galaxy single hop, very nice beer!
Yes, it is a galaxy single hop, very nice beer!
Bloke that was just arounf said a local supplier is doing 500g for 34$ Aus :) i should get onto that...

Alrighty so Sonny my Colab brew mate brought around some of his no chill Amber Lager "Skare" Kviek brew comparrison beers.

The objective here is to see how suitably SKARE Kviek yeast strain will ferment a lager beer in comparison to a Known Lager yeast strain Fermentis Swiss Lager yeast S-189.
Bear in mind it's a recultivated 3rd generation fermentis S-189 yeast pitch so my human error might of crept in here.

Sorry about the scratchy picture bloody camera doesn't do it justice.

Beer front right was bottle conditioned bottles kviek Skare Kviek brew and one on left as well as one in the background was my brew S-189 Swiss lager yeast fermented 18c under 10psi pressure . I poured the two pot glasses first of my brew then poured out two comparrison brews of sunnys straight away I smelt the malt from the beer his bottles batch had a bit extra carbontatiob then the keg carbed batch.

All up the beers were pretty much similar overall nothing different in aroma and not too much in flavour just mine had a sulpur component that made it less desirable then the skare kviek batch.

I'll have another taste or three s comparrisons as ive got a few of the Skare Kviek fermented batch now but overall it's a pretty average beer nothing exciting I think it needs more time and recipe needs a tweek or two....
