What are you drinking right now?

Wow....just through the pictures above I can see that the new brewery in the neighborhood has a problem with their canning process for Crowlers. You guys have great head on yours and neither of mine did....$24 of flat brew.....sad.

The Amber I had last night was a better example of a the style then the basic pils I had the night before but alas....flat again. It was a real disappointment that they wouldn't fill my Growler and I should have suspected something when they pulled things from a fridge....live and learn or in this case, drink and get smarter!

View attachment 10173
There are lots of marginal beers coming from our local craft breweries lately. Barely able to open here since last week, they are struggling with opening given all the rules from the state. I have had flat beer, estery IPAs, hazy WCIPAs...you name it. They are serving old beer that should have been dumped, and beer that’s too green to serve.

But we are supporting them all, tipping very well and enjoying the sliver of normalcy.
There are lots of marginal beers coming from our local craft breweries lately. Barely able to open here since last week, they are struggling with opening given all the rules from the state. I have had flat beer, estery IPAs, hazy WCIPAs...you name it. They are serving old beer that should have been dumped, and beer that’s too green to serve.

But we are supporting them all, tipping very well and enjoying the sliver of normalcy.
We've been pretty lucky here so far, but like you, I'd buy sub par beer right now from my locals that I know typically produce fine beers, to help keep them going.
Okay, so half in the bag now
Wow....just through the pictures above I can see that the new brewery in the neighborhood has a problem with their canning process for Crowlers. You guys have great head on yours and neither of mine did....$24 of flat brew.....sad.

The Amber I had last night was a better example of a the style then the basic pils I had the night before but alas....flat again. It was a real disappointment that they wouldn't fill my Growler and I should have suspected something when they pulled things from a fridge....live and learn or in this case, drink and get smarter!

View attachment 10173
That is unfortunate, when Steve and Elaine fill the cans they fill them to the point that when putting the top on some beer squirts out as the push the lid down. They do fill them ahead of time, but no more than they can sell in a day. I have never been disappointed, and have often left them in the fridge for days before opening.
Finished getting the garden ready to plant; time for some homebrews. This Blonde is perfect, must be about to kick. :) Cheers all!
View attachment 10178
This springs Barleywine is definately a step in the right direction. Color is what I am looking for. Hops match the malt, aging will tell the story if it lasts long enough.
A thing of beauty.
@Group W wow perfection in a glass bet you were racing through the yard work to get some of that.
Wow....just through the pictures above I can see that the new brewery in the neighborhood has a problem with their canning process for Crowlers. You guys have great head on yours and neither of mine did....$24 of flat brew.....sad.

The Amber I had last night was a better example of a the style then the basic pils I had the night before but alas....flat again. It was a real disappointment that they wouldn't fill my Growler and I should have suspected something when they pulled things from a fridge....live and learn or in this case, drink and get smarter!

View attachment 10173
This is what I get when I crack one of the crowlers from Northworks, as you can see, no space for Co2 to escape from the beer.
Some great looking beverages! @Craigerrr the haze and neipa aren't my favorites, but man, those look fantastic! Is Harp still around? And hey Ruby!
@Megary very nice looking wheat!

Having a chili ale myself.
View attachment 10091
To answer your question about the Harp lager, I took this last week when beer shopping. I didn't buy any as it isn't my style of beer.
Finished getting the garden ready to plant; time for some homebrews. This Blonde is perfect, must be about to kick. :) Cheers all!
View attachment 10174

Now that's pretty, so it is definitely ready to kick :) I hate it when that happens.

Just finishing up on planting. Did 3 Pimentos and an Anaheim. Will be planting the last one, an eggplant, as soon as I finish this beer and feed the Big Chief some more Cherrywood.

The S&M Cream Ale kit I kegged Friday. Almost there.
