What are you drinking right now?

I'm drinking a Spotted Cow clone. Recipe found at this very website! I kegged it and put it on 30 lbs CO2 yesterday morning. Moved it to 10 lbs this morning. Installed the beverage line just now. This one will be a winner!
Ozarks Mountain Brew said:
Now Im drinking wine, love this stuff, ill have to make some some day Lindermans cabernet sauvignon

We have a traitor in our midst boys!
tried our first attempt at our India Brown Ale tonight, we used 4# 2-row, .5 Caramunich 3, .25 Pale Chocolate, and some flaked barley and brown sugar. The thing was practically red. it was brown, but also very maroon. Lot of sweet munich flavors up front, and dark chocolate at the end... Not sure how i feel about this particularly in terms of Brown IPAs... but was pretty tasty for its own reasons.
Im drinking my best lite , Amarillo Lager made with 05 yeast at 57 for 2 weeks, I did not gelatin or filter this just to retain flavor longer and it worked, who really cares that its not sparkling clear


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Come on, guys, put the pitchforks up. We can live with a oenophile in our midst.... ;-)

SWAMBO makes wine (well, she bosses and I schlepp). Quite good, in fact. And I sometimes forego my own technology to consume the results of hers. But I digress: One reason I bottle is I can drink whatever I'd like from my stock, and I have lots of beers in stock, being the one-bottle-per-night lightweight I am....
Counting lace lines on A Black IPA. Enough black malt to almost be a dry stout. Crisp enough to clear the dust from your throat.
i seriously enjoy my home-brew as much as the next guy, but is anyone else posting about what they've purchased? I wanna know what's good in your regions! tell me. (i've drinken all our home-brew)

Tonight..Weinhenstephaner DunkelWeiss to start the night, (heard about a new bottle shop, i couldn't resist the table of German beers... then we heard there was Cask nite at the bar these evening. Quickly ran down there to grab Abita's Extra Hopped Double IPA (8.5%) mighty tasty, but also really reminded me of boiled hop pellets. Came home and had another couple Weihenstephaners, (Hefe & Vitus).... Roommate just poured the Equinox Pale Oat from Lagunitas, pretty good. piny, citrusy, happy about it.
Working on the lawn and


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German Lager, very light and refreshing after a hot brew day


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Reinheitsgebot day...

popped my lavender cream ale tonight. She's been sick since Thursday, but she had a couple glasses anyway. We did half dry hopped with Lavender, half without. The latter turned out better. Sometimes sips of the dry hopped is too soapy, and the warmer it gets the soapier. Good cream ale though for this super humid Louisiana weather.

( +Weihenstephaner Korbinian, +Konig Ludwig Weissbier,)
We had ommegang's take the black stout as we watched the game of thrones season premiere . Pretty good. Dark and slightly boozy, perfect for the wall. That series of beers has been a bit hit or miss, seems every other one isn't all that good to us
We had ommegang's take the black stout as we watched the game of thrones season premiere . Pretty good. Dark and slightly boozy, perfect for the wall. That series of beers has been a bit hit or miss, seems every other one isn't all that good to us
Can you repeat that??
Big But Dopple Bock, well had to have some malt flavor and couldn't wait, this beer is very good believe it or not Im surprised has good flavor "but" even though it has good alcohol its very sweet and salt is defiantly in this beer, I swelled up after 2 and had to take off my shoes. the salt is in there to bring out the sweetness I know but wow, too much
really? wasn't a fan of the Big Butt. It was hard for me to consider that thing a real doppelbock..

...Tonight, Lagunitas Waldo Special (11.5%) just pure sour citrus in your face oh my god... +Cre'puscule by Saint Somewhere, a sour saison. +Near and Far by Great Raft, a pretty good Kolsch, tastes like it was fermented a little warmer, really good yeast character to it. Finishing off with Paulaner Original Munich Lager.

LETS. GO. BLUES... hehe, my bar was enemy territory tonight flooded with blackhawk fans.
Perennial's mint chocolate stout. Deep chocolate smell, good taste with a bit of boozy minty at the end.
I don't care for peppermint patties,but this is pretty good
