What are you drinking right now?

It was a balmy 12C (53F) today, enjoyed a bloody finger on the back deck in the sun wiyh some bbq chips
We tipped some kegs yesterday, my brew partner thought he knew better and I was being a bit precious about yeast health and pitching rates.....

He believes me now.... So I went and spent a days wages on beers to drink while we brew
Not drinking at 6am but it's from yesterday.
Had a busy weekend washing my house so did some drinking.


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The pour before the kick one of me best blonds yet. The thing i like most about this beer was how easy it drank and how refreshing it tasted.


Oh just for interests sake i used SMB in this beer for first time jury is out but recon it retained that freshness a pale color
That sun is yet to rise here in Aus give it another half hour and we will receive that beautiful sunshine you got over there this morning!
Cheers Ben!
Sorry for throwing the pictures up twice...
