What are you drinking right now?

Let's see...Schlafly's barleywine style ale, from 2012 aged on oak. I'm a sucker for that style, and this one was really good. nice oak flavor, boozy but with a nice sweet finish. sad it's gone. (Also, anyone know how to pronounce that brewerys name? I sound drunk just trying to say it, like judiciary)

On the 2nd one of my Pickersgill Pale Ale, it's good, but I think I need to sub out the smoked and/or munich malt. something just isn't gelling with this recipe
And now onto the first iteration of a brown ale for a moustache bash in February. again, it's good, but I can't help but think I can make it better somehow. Maybe another draught will help me pinpoint it..
image.jpeg She's starting to clear up already another pils/ ale I can't keep my hands off of it:oops:. ( that's what me wife says anyway)!
Had a Porter with fresh elk tenderloin. A few dubbel's and a dark hefe. Took awhile for dubbel to clear up.


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Super stoked with this pils/pale its cleared bright and I brewed to 14 days ago to this hour! Yippee I love gelatin and I love my new freezer! Cold crash gelitin then keg yep crystal clear pub quality beer in 2 weeks! Winning:D sorry fellas for boasting I'll calm down now:rolleyes:

Considering my last brew is turning out to be a dumper you can see why I'm happy:eek:
My Brew Cat Harvest Ale. All homegrown hops except the bittering charge. Came out great this year
Green with envy brew cat I'd love to get some ryzomes going but I'm not sure they would tolerate sub tropical Queensland. What hops do you grow? One harvests worth went in to this beer? How much do you get per harvest?
Green with envy brew cat I'd love to get some ryzomes going but I'm not sure they would tolerate sub tropical Queensland. What hops do you grow? One harvests worth went in to this beer? How much do you get per harvest?
I have 1cascade that are a few years in that's what I used this year we had a drought this year so the yield and aromaticwas low so I put most of them in a Ten gallon batch. I keep cutting the rhizome back so they don't spread. Last season I planted some nugget Chinook and Willamette. I may pull the Willamette and replace they did nothing. I'll have to research what's best for the climate. You should also.
First beer kicked evening of with is my vanilla cream ale yep still some in keg I moved it and it clouded up so I was checking if cleared yep. Second is my pils/ale mmm she is a stunner crystal clear but maybe a little more carapils for body it maybe waning a little on that:). And last but not least taking a not out of Oliver's book how will I know a style of beer if I've never tried one well. Introducing Trappist blond or la trapped as the bottle says. Now I'm not sure if I pour the yeast in with my first I did and it is spicy maybe some ban nan and floral on the nose well bodied not thin well carbonated but definitely spicy. Well I know what to expect when emulating this blonde style. Cheers to all I'm gunna down some more la trappe makes me feel posh


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Just starting the first of my lagered porter. Dang that stuff is good!
Green with envy brew cat I'd love to get some ryzomes going but I'm not sure they would tolerate sub tropical Queensland. What hops do you grow? One harvests worth went in to this beer? How much do you get per harvest?
Hops will tolerate Qld heat , probably shoot earlier and have a longer growing season
First year plants generally don't do a great deal but they are a long term investment
Tapped the Peach Saison. Made with white peaches from the orchard. Very tasty, hope I can stretch it through the holidays!!!
Another vanilla cream ale only slight vanilla on the nose now but the vanilla flavour is definitely there


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