What are you doing with homebrew today?

I'm brewing a Dock Docktoberfest recipe I found online, it's basically a Märzen
It's a very good beer. My Märzen is based on it and i get medals for it frequently. Key is the fermentation: Start it cold, say 48 F, then let it warm when half the sugar is gone.
It's a very good beer. My Märzen is based on it and i get medals for it frequently. Key is the fermentation: Start it cold, say 48 F, then let it warm when half the sugar is gone.

this recipe is close to the original based on my efficiency of 85% but I'm using Hothead yeast under pressure, they say pressure helps keep it clean tasting, I'm also using some Belgian grains
this recipe is close to the original based on my efficiency of 85% but I'm using Hothead yeast under pressure, they say pressure helps keep it clean tasting, I'm also using some Belgian grains
I just do a simple fermentation with Oktoberfest/Maerzen blend. The Dry Dock's recipe is more complex than I like my Maerzen but it wins awards (Gold medal again this evening at the Rocky Mountain Homebrew Challenge). My recipe is Munich malt (half/half between light and dark) and a touch (4 oz) Melanoidin.
nice I'll have to try it, my personal Festbier is 47.6% pilsner 33.3% Vienna and 19.1% dark Munich, light Munich is good also, on mine I like to taste the malt with a slight hint of hops but not over powering
For what it is worth...I made a Kolsch with coffee a couple of years ago. I used a tablespoon of rough ground coffee beans for each gallon in the mash. It was pretty good. Good luck.

She's cold steeping a batch and we're going to test it when she gets organized to measure out an amount she's happy with.
Cleaning my fermentation keg later. Got a smidge of 80 shilling left in there so I’ll get that out first. I’ve kept ice bottles in it so it’s at 50 degrees, perfect for this beer
Here in So Cal, where it is still breakfast time, I’m drinking Earl Grey tea while making oatmeal with apple compote.
Colour look gorgeous
Thanks. It's on the light side for an IPA for sure, but I intentionally left out specialty malts from the recipe as I was trying to copy a beer made in my hometown. Hopefully in a couple more weeks the yeast will drop clear and it'll really hit it's peak. The hops are more tropical than I was expecting but still good aroma
I transfered that Vienna lager wort into fermentor yesterday eve no chilled overnight and all day yesterday temp = 20c.
OG 1.048 no brew day pics was a late one so felt a little like work lol.
Pitched an active starter of 34/70 fermenting in fermentasaurus for a change.

The Talus blond ale is just hanging out in the kegmenter @1.010 its tasting great so far and nice and hoppy.
I transfered that Vienna lager wort into fermentor yesterday eve no chilled overnight and all day yesterday temp = 20c.
OG 1.048 no brew day pics was a late one so felt a little like work lol.
Pitched an active starter of 34/70 fermenting in fermentasaurus for a change.

The Talus blond ale is just hanging out in the kegmenter @1.010 its tasting great so far and nice and hoppy.
My Blonde is a few weeks behind yours, but WLP029 is busting it to try and catch up. :)

Busy night for me, cleaned and sanitized four of my kegs today. Getting ready to move my American Lager and Oktoberfest from the fermenters to the kegs so they can carbonate during the last week of lager. And in between all of that I helped the wife with her Riesling Wine that she is making.
Cleaning my new-to-me kegerator. 2 rounds of hot, strong oxiclean, hot water rinse, and a starsan finish. Metal floor plate is currently soaking in vinegar. I know the faucet and tap need some love but without a proper wrench I think I'll hold off. Trying to decide if I want to remove the whole tower for now and plug the hole with insulation until I'm ready for kegs and carbonation. Ordered an inkbird controller last night, and according to Amazon it should be here by tonight. First job the fridge is going to have is cold crashing/lagering my honey cream ale that's still in the fermenter
Changing my mind on my next brew. Was going to brew another bitter but think an Irish Stout is in order. I have some Irish ale yeast slurry I’m going to stir up later and then go from there. Unless I change my mind again of course. Either way something is getting brewed tomorrow
Very little action in my starter. I took a hydrometer reading and it read 1.010, OG was roughly 1.030. So I assume I’m good to go ahead with it?
