Internet Clapt our here last day or so Bloody storms wrecking things again but atleast we are dry and not floating up to our roofs in water Like up north!

So I had this Sulphury Wheat beer I wanted to fix for Christmas
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Beautiful I think so I gave the guests a pre Christmas sample on the taps yesterday just a let em know what to expect.
They loved the hopped hopped up hazy I made and they really loved the Q4 Amber they can't even tell its Gluten free they rekon lol what's Gluten free taste like I say lol!
Anyhow the wheat beer is just fart on the aroma taste is OK just that bloody sulphur is off putting sooo.
Been thinking A bicfords lime ginger juice it's all natural or
B some peppermint in my garden here.
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I cut a heap of leaves shoved them in a paint strainer bag in my Yetti mug and made a tea outta them with 3 generous teaspoons of honey.
Bought a 600ml pet bottle sanitized poured in the PET bottle pushed all the air out the bottle and transfered this in on top of the keg through a gas side on the beer.
I think I've solved the problem the nose is now peppermint and it's in the flavour too and I rekon really adds to the beer!
This is a really clean way I think of inserting these fragile flavours into the end beer. I think if I hopstanded these peppermint leaves then fermented the aroma and flavour would be muted more it tastes really fresh...
Enough so that I rekon I'll be brewing some more with this peppermint!