What are you doing with homebrew today?


This monster forces me to brew outside, but can be a little uncooperative when there’s any significant breeze blowing when I get to boiling steps and turn it down to avoid scorching. I have been using a rather large piece of cardboard for a wind deflector, which obviously can’t be close to the burner, so I still have an occasional blowout. So today I used a couple pieces of scrap sheet metal (14 gauge) and a few 10-32 screws and nuts to make a new deflector that won’t get soggy if I’m brewing on a day with occasional rain. The burner is probably way overkill, but it sure heats up a lot of water very quickly. 10 minutes, I can have 4 gallons of water at steeping temperature, and that’s taking it easy on my kettle so I don’t burn the rubber off the valve handle. It’s a beast, but simply not something to use indoors. IIRC, it’s something like 400,000 BTU. It’ll burn the bottom right out of an aluminum pot. Don’t ask me how I know.

In the photo, I had a fan blowing it at high speed about 4 feet away and it barely rippled. Mission accomplished.
Well everything is cleaned up, pitched and seems to be good. A little low on predicted gravity, but that was just entering the wrong efficiency in the recipe builder(hit my usual 73% for infusion mash, the last time I did a decotion on this one and got 74).
I attempted to get the wife to agree on a bigger kegerator (3 or 4 corny). Attempt unsuccessful.
My way of winging in new brew gear in regards to my recent glycol foray I told wifey all my hops will come out of YOUR freezer so you'll have more room to put your meats and leftovers and such.

Make them think it's gunna be beneficial to all parties negotiate my man find that solution lol:p.

Or save your money and wait until a better moment :)
Lots going on today:

1. Crashing my Kolsch
2. Ordering some brewing books to replace copies I loaned out (Brewing Classic Styles / Designing Great Beers)
3. Ordering some SS Growlers and mini draft stuff for them
4. Ordering the stuff to make a jumper from my pin lock keg to the ball mini kegs to minimize O2 when I fill them

Later this week will order an iSpindle to replace my Tilt

Ha ha!
There is Serious joking and lite hearted lol:p.

Just didn't want to offend anyone is all:)...
Guess you’ve run across a few overly sensitive Yanks or worse yet, the ‘woke’ generation that thinks us old timers are rude and insensitive. Well, we are. We’ve earned the right to be.

I’ve been married to an Aussie for the better part of 17 years, and helped acclimate 3 Aussie teens to the prudish Bible Belt,, so needless to say, I’m used to the Aussie sarcasm. So, go ahead and paint that mental picture, an Aussie gal and a Lower Alabama redneck. You might imagine how funny it can get. Amazing how many still ask the missus’Where y’all from’. She hates it, I giggle (very quietly).
Guess you’ve run across a few overly sensitive Yanks or worse yet, the ‘woke’ generation that thinks us old timers are rude and insensitive. Well, we are. We’ve earned the right to be.
Yes, us "woke" folks are terrible. What with wishing no one is offended or excluded... Just remember Roach, on the internet we outnumber you :D
