What are you doing with homebrew today?

And I got his awesome tap handle to boot! Thanks again, Don!
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I see what you did with the flashlight, too. Can you get illuminated taps that'll light that thing up? That would be a pretty cool addition to a wet bar, if you have one, especially if you could back light it. So winning the competition gets you a well presented tap handle and braggin' rights. Probably worth a bit more than the coffee now, but I'm a LONG way from even considering a competition. Still a noob as far as I'm concerned. ;) I just noticed "Don" in the lower right corner. Am I to assume that @Donoroto was one of the judges? Or is he just like really crafty and made that for you because you won? Pretty spiffy either way. The little I've spoken with Don, he sounds like someone I'd like to meet and philosophize about beer brewing. But, I'm also let to believe that experimentation is the best way to learn the craft. First three rules/requirements, however, 1,) Fermentation, 2.) Fermentation, and 3.) Fermentation. If the madness I started this time yesterday is any indication of quality, this batch should make ya slap yer tongue for having too much fun. I've never seen one take off like this one did, nor foam up the way it did. I know it ain't soap. Never been any soap anywhere near the inside of that fermenter.
I see what you did with the flashlight, too. Can you get illuminated taps that'll light that thing up? That would be a pretty cool addition to a wet bar, if you have one, especially if you could back light it. So winning the competition gets you a well presented tap handle and braggin' rights. Probably worth a bit more than the coffee now, but I'm a LONG way from even considering a competition. Still a noob as far as I'm concerned. ;) I just noticed "Don" in the lower right corner. Am I to assume that @Donoroto was one of the judges? Or is he just like really crafty and made that for you because you won? Pretty spiffy either way. The little I've spoken with Don, he sounds like someone I'd like to meet and philosophize about beer brewing. But, I'm also let to believe that experimentation is the best way to learn the craft. First three rules/requirements, however, 1,) Fermentation, 2.) Fermentation, and 3.) Fermentation. If the madness I started this time yesterday is any indication of quality, this batch should make ya slap yer tongue for having too much fun. I've never seen one take off like this one did, nor foam up the way it did. I know it ain't soap. Never been any soap anywhere near the inside of that fermenter.
Short answer: I make things.

I made an acrylic tap handle for @HighVoltageMan! to celebrate his wins. I don't charge for them (I have made several for some others) because if I did they would have to be perfect.

You're in Bama, right? I'm near ATL. Maybe some day I'll visit for a beer. 2-3 hours from here I guess.
It's hard to cross your finders for sure! That's what you get for having fat fingers.

As far as competing, a lot of people feel the same way. But for me I find it fun and challenging. I can say for sure it's made me a way better homebrewer. Most winning beers are some of my favorites, so it's a win win for me. I don't think it's so much about pleasing judges, it's about hitting the mark. A good beer is a good beer and even a bad judge can recognize that most of the time.
Thank you. I'm entering all lagers again this year. Czech Pils, German Pils, International Lager and an American Lager. Should be done brewing them by May or so.
GOOD LUCK! Just entered my self, going to send Shady Bohemian and my California Common(Shore Leave). Plan is to brew Shady on the 2nd week of April and Shore Leave the following week. Want them to be pretty close to peak "goodness" by June, That shedule should put them in the ball park.

No Wayner's?
Short answer: I make things.

I made an acrylic tap handle for @HighVoltageMan! to celebrate his wins. I don't charge for them (I have made several for some others) because if I did they would have to be perfect.

You're in Bama, right? I'm near ATL. Maybe some day I'll visit for a beer. 2-3 hours from here I guess.

Nice looking handle it is, too. Just curious if there are custom lighted taps that will fit on. Colored LED's under that would be SWEET. Very nice work with the acrylic if you milled that from a billet, perhaps more impressive if you molded it. I'm a long way from needing anything of the nature, and was taught at a young age to not covet things I don't need (yet). Maybe one day, in a different house with a dedicated beer kitchen/man cave/wet bar in it. I'll have to switch to electric brewing if I do that, but I don't see that being a problem.

It's about 3H15M from my place to Downtown Hotlanta via I59/20. Well, 4H15M going, 2H15M coming home. o_O We're just southwest of Birmingham, about 6 miles from the 242 Exit off I-65 South at the tank farm. Almost a complete interstate ride from here to the Federal Building downtown Hotlanta. Not much secondary road travel at all, but bits of it on this end can be challenging these days.

Had to go over to Atlanta several times during the immigration process for my better half and her kids, and have been many times for work, or through it (also for work) or for seeing family in the Carolinas. I make no bones, she IS the better half. She puts up with me and has been my rock for 16 years now, 14 of which she has been raising 3 of my eldest daughter's children, one of which was 2 months old when we took them in. I got the best Aussie off the island when she picked me and came to the States. The first ex-Mrs RoadRoach was a rock, too, but more like a millstone tied around my neck. Don't get me started.

Come on by any time, as long as you rattle my cage before you do. I'll try to make sure I have a couple somethings in the fridge. I try, but my drinking skills are better than my brew scheduling. :confused: Maybe sometime this summer, assuming the Gestapo doesn't incarcerate the nation at home again, the missus and I can reciprocate and visit you and yours. I'm so over that crap. But I'll leave those politics alone to debate if the conversation wanders there in person. Early warning. All in our house have had the jab except me but I got monoclonal infusion after I figured out I had it. All in the house have had VERY minor cases of COVID except the missus. So far, she's the only one that hasn't had it. We're not paranoid about it, but like to let new visitors know in case they want to mask up while here to make themselves more comfortable, or opt out with no obligation or judgement if they don't want to assume their own risk visiting someone they've never met. We won't be masked. We're in our home. Not much we can do to avoid each other, and we won't avoid our guests by hiding behind something that won't protect us anyway. You're certainly not a new visitor if you come here a second time, and will likely have to get your own beer or other beverage of choice if you're on your first trip and have been here more than a couple hours.

If you have a preference or a good recipe for me to try for your adventure or just wanna test my skills, lemme know what it is, and I'll give it a spin. If it isn't boiling hot, we can sit on the deck, pick off crows with the pellet rifle, and enjoy something to drink. Enough planning might even get a meal served, including some homemade sausage and something that goes good with that. Obviously, we'll need to plan any special request with brewing/fermenting/conditioning time in mind. There's something magical about storing the stuff under my stairs. It carbs up and is drinkable usually in 4 days or less. Can't say it's properly aged, but certainly drinkable. Remember, I still consider myself a noob with better drinking skills than palate sensitivity. I've also learned the power of suggestion is VERY powerful when tasting a beer. If you bring something with, make me tell you what it is. Not judging your brew, just seeing if I know what the heck I'm talking about and learning to speak beer-speak.
Nice looking handle it is, too. Just curious if there are custom lighted taps that will fit on. Colored LED's under that would be SWEET. Very nice work with the acrylic if you milled that from a billet, perhaps more impressive if you molded it. I'm a long way from needing anything of the nature, and was taught at a young age to not covet things I don't need (yet). Maybe one day, in a different house with a dedicated beer kitchen/man cave/wet bar in it. I'll have to switch to electric brewing if I do that, but I don't see that being a problem.

It's about 3H15M from my place to Downtown Hotlanta via I59/20. Well, 4H15M going, 2H15M coming home. o_O We're just southwest of Birmingham, about 6 miles from the 242 Exit off I-65 South at the tank farm. Almost a complete interstate ride from here to the Federal Building downtown Hotlanta. Not much secondary road travel at all, but bits of it on this end can be challenging these days.

Had to go over to Atlanta several times during the immigration process for my better half and her kids, and have been many times for work, or through it (also for work) or for seeing family in the Carolinas. I make no bones, she IS the better half. She puts up with me and has been my rock for 16 years now, 14 of which she has been raising 3 of my eldest daughter's children, one of which was 2 months old when we took them in. I got the best Aussie off the island when she picked me and came to the States. The first ex-Mrs RoadRoach was a rock, too, but more like a millstone tied around my neck. Don't get me started.

Come on by any time, as long as you rattle my cage before you do. I'll try to make sure I have a couple somethings in the fridge. I try, but my drinking skills are better than my brew scheduling. :confused: Maybe sometime this summer, assuming the Gestapo doesn't incarcerate the nation at home again, the missus and I can reciprocate and visit you and yours. I'm so over that crap. But I'll leave those politics alone to debate if the conversation wanders there in person. Early warning. All in our house have had the jab except me but I got monoclonal infusion after I figured out I had it. All in the house have had VERY minor cases of COVID except the missus. So far, she's the only one that hasn't had it. We're not paranoid about it, but like to let new visitors know in case they want to mask up while here to make themselves more comfortable, or opt out with no obligation or judgement if they don't want to assume their own risk visiting someone they've never met. We won't be masked. We're in our home. Not much we can do to avoid each other, and we won't avoid our guests by hiding behind something that won't protect us anyway. You're certainly not a new visitor if you come here a second time, and will likely have to get your own beer or other beverage of choice if you're on your first trip and have been here more than a couple hours.

If you have a preference or a good recipe for me to try for your adventure or just wanna test my skills, lemme know what it is, and I'll give it a spin. If it isn't boiling hot, we can sit on the deck, pick off crows with the pellet rifle, and enjoy something to drink. Enough planning might even get a meal served, including some homemade sausage and something that goes good with that. Obviously, we'll need to plan any special request with brewing/fermenting/conditioning time in mind. There's something magical about storing the stuff under my stairs. It carbs up and is drinkable usually in 4 days or less. Can't say it's properly aged, but certainly drinkable. Remember, I still consider myself a noob with better drinking skills than palate sensitivity. I've also learned the power of suggestion is VERY powerful when tasting a beer. If you bring something with, make me tell you what it is. Not judging your brew, just seeing if I know what the heck I'm talking about and learning to speak beer-speak.
Mate that Don is a Generous man I owe him alot of beer:D.
He sent 3 beautiful tap handles all the way down across the Pacific to me here in Aus.
Any time you see my bar Don's taps Stand proudly to Attention ready to serve the Beer:)!
Never have I ever had 2 lagers going at the same time! :eek: Brewed up Shady Boh today with White Labs San Francisco lager and a Czech pale lager (called Viziman Champion, yes from The Witcher :D) fermenting with 34/70 under 10-15 psi of pressure.
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GOOD LUCK! Just entered my self, going to send Shady Bohemian and my California Common(Shore Leave). Plan is to brew Shady on the 2nd week of April and Shore Leave the following week. Want them to be pretty close to peak "goodness" by June, That shedule should put them in the ball park.

No Wayner's?
Good luck to you as well! I think a pale ale is really tough at NHC, so I stuck with lagers. It’s worked well before, but we’ll see.
Holy crap, I got you all fooled! And maybe I'll never need to buy beer again :rolleyes:

Made from a 3/4" thick acrylic bar from McMaster. Or wood. Could be most anything my router can cut.

We're both jabbed and boostered. Been round your way a couple times, my former employer has a plant in Vance. Heh.

If we pass that way sometime, I sure will look you up. That being said, I've passed by Sunfire96 maybe a half dozen times, think we've ever met in person?? But it can happen some day.
Holy crap, I got you all fooled! And maybe I'll never need to buy beer again :rolleyes:

Made from a 3/4" thick acrylic bar from McMaster. Or wood. Could be most anything my router can cut.

We're both jabbed and boostered. Been round your way a couple times, my former employer has a plant in Vance. Heh.

If we pass that way sometime, I sure will look you up. That being said, I've passed by Sunfire96 maybe a half dozen times, think we've ever met in person?? But it can happen some day.

Cool beans. I'm home more than not these days. Pretty much outta the rat race, and as much as I hate giving money to greedy oil companies, I tend not to drive unless I have to. Not quite fully retired but really only waiting on a decision from SSDI before I tell SS to screw themselves and just give me my retirement bennies anyway. Just became 80% eligible in February, and I figure I might as well go ahead and start drawing it. Didn't get rich working for 40 years, not likely to do it by waiting a few more years to draw the benefits I paid for for those 40 years. Still getting LTD bennies from work, which are good til December, then they go into Social Security Mode and start making it a PITA to get what I paid for, too. It's a completely different work environment out there now, and I just don't have the patience for letting idiots tell me what to do. There was a time when actually knowing something about a job was a prerequisite for being allowed to tell others how to do it. Not any more.

My latest (Hex Nut Brown) is taking it's sweet time in conditioning. Still somewhat flat, but got that little tell-tale cloud in the bottle when I opened one tonight. Should be pretty nice in a few more days.

Not sure, but I think I may have a batch of Rapier Wit going south on me. It went BONKERS when I pitched with some SAF33 that I scavenged from a dry packet pitch. It was trying to blow the airlock off 3 hours after the pitch. I've never seen a fermentation that ferocious. Despite having nearly 8" of head space, the krausen still got up to the airlock. It's still very milky looking in the fermenter, and I'm just hoping that's dissolved CO2 and a LOT of yeast that will eventually drop out. I've never seen this particular recipe get this cloudy. It's still got a week to go, unless it starts smelling like a dead animal or something. Right now, it doesn't smell bad, but it sure doesn't look quite right either. I just pulled the sediment bulb tonight, and it was pretty full. Not really the 'pudding' consistency trub I'm used to seeing in this recipe either. I just put clean water back in the sediment bulb (after thoroughly washing it with StarSan). One small bubble and it was all done this time. No chugging away to put a quart back in the empty spot.

This will be the first batch I've ever lost if it is going south, so I guess I'm about due. I'm just dreading the cleanup if I have to dump it, because that means completely disassembling the fermenter and scrubbing everything in it, boiling all the parts that can be boiled, and keeping everything wet with StarSan while I do the deed. I didn't disassemble the ball valve when I pulled the last batch (the Hex Nut Brown), so I'm wondering if I wound up with an infection. I'll know better next time, for sure.
Yesterday I visited lhbs Windsor, where I enjoyed a few nice craft beers. While there, I got grains and yeast to brew my Smooth Stout tomorrow. I also picked up some bottle caps, calcium chloride, gypsum and Irish moss. Going forward, I will be using Irish moss in an effort to brew clearer beer.
Yesterday I visited lhbs Windsor, where I enjoyed a few nice craft beers. While there, I got grains and yeast to brew my Smooth Stout tomorrow. I also picked up some bottle caps, calcium chloride, gypsum and Irish moss. Going forward, I will be using Irish moss in an effort to brew clearer beer.
It has made a big difference for me in clarity. Even more so than cold crashing
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There is definitely a number of factors, including water profile as well. I do think that clear wort is also a contributing factor.
