Whaddaya think...

Ward Chillington

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Mar 24, 2018
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I'm planning on brewing tomorrow and I'd like to use some kveik slurry I have in the fridge...the batch on the left was harvested mid November and the one on the right is an October harvest. Lefty was cycle one from a bag of Omega 061 Voss and if my records are correct, Righty was cycle 3 from a batch from some Imperial A44 harvested in early August.
Which one should get used and should I do a vitality starter...as in some new 1040 wort on the stir plate?


They are going in a 1.050 ish wort.

Thanks group!
Sorry War, I don't have any experience to draw on to help you out.
I wouldn't worry too much about viability as long as they were stored cold(Hell I probably wouldn't bother with a starter). Haven't used either Kviek listed, however, they look to have different flavors that they add to the beer. I'd just roll with whatever fits the beer recipe better, pour off most of the liquid, slosh 'er around a bit and pitch it.

I've used lager yeast stored the same way, worked just fine and it's way less durable than kviek.
Bloody beautiful yeast samples ward!

Viability would be down a bit since harvest a few months ago.
Now if that were standard Saccaramyces ale yeast I'd be doing a starter a couple of days out from brew day.
But since it's that crazy kviek yeast that really only needs a teaspoon of yeast per 5 gal batch I think you'll do fine pitching the saved yeast.

If your feeling a little nervey you can always make a starter decant pitch a teaspoon or two into your brew and saved the reast for 6 months time:rolleyes:.
since it's that crazy kviek yeast that really only needs a teaspoon of yeast per 5 gal batch I think you'll do fine pitching the saved yeast.

I never did too well with the classic and often call for teaspoon per 5 gallon so yeah...in she goes Bulin and Ben!

Hey I like the sound of that...you guys oughta open a pub! :cool:
One on the left looks very nice. You could grab a litre or so at the end of the mash and add your slurry to that and shake the crap out of it. Put it somewhere warmish and then pitch once the wort is down to temp.
Now that is a great Idea checks for viability at the same time plus gets the yeast going win win.
Thata boy Ward fortune favours the bold eh;)

Lol...fortune favors the guy with a packet of dry Voss in the fridge!

Yeah...gonna give it a go with the 5 ounces of slurry and see where we are in a day...stay tuned!

And thanks for the advice and thoughts BF's!!!
Well that was a smooth brew day...now I just hope the Voss comes through! Hell...I. 'even got a dozen eggs for my spent mash and a great close out...that's Carrick Knob on the right and College Mountain on the left down in Maryland. Pretty good Monday!
Well that was a smooth brew day...now I just hope the Voss comes through! Hell...I. 'even got a dozen eggs for my spent mash and a great close out...that's Carrick Knob on the right and College Mountain on the left down in Maryland. Pretty good Monday!
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Ah wait until tomorrow it's a ripper won't see 22-2-22 again:)
