This website is Slow

this is the first time I have been able to get to this site all day :(

I am printing all my recipes right now I would hate to lose them

all the best

We have the data backed up so nothing will be lost.

Sorry for the issues guys. We're working on it.
Austin said:
We have the data backed up so nothing will be lost.

Sorry for the issues guys. We're working on it.

I am sure you do but if I cannot get to my recipes it makes it hard to brew them

being that I am a System/Network Administrator/Engineer it never hurts to have a copy of your data

as I tell clients all the time hardware is change in your pocket data is priceless

the site appears to be working as it should


Oh I agree. Back up your Data as you see fit, I'm just stating we do the same.
this started again, are you guys working on the site? page loads are very slow
All seems to be OK in New Zealand.
fire60 said:
All seems to be OK in New Zealand.
...and that's saying something! :mrgreen:
