Stuck mash desaster

Totally agree, with the setup as described, grain bill, and the fact it starts off ok it does point to crush.
I use a homemade "Läuterhexe" (hose braid) and have yet to have had a stuck mash. With that grain bill, the only way to get a stuck mash is too fine of a crush.
I got the standard 30L bucket. Inside there is a läuterhexe

The whole bucket is insulated with blankets wrapped around it. It holds the temperature quite well.
Thats the setup.

Im trying it again atm and will keep you updated. I hope it was just the crush.
Everything went fine, lautering was going well and I hit 75% efficiency. I guess it was just the crush.
Thanks everyone.
I got the standard 30L bucket. Inside there is a läuterhexe

The whole bucket is insulated with blankets wrapped around it. It holds the temperature quite well.
Thats the setup.

Im trying it again atm and will keep you updated. I hope it was just the crush.
It's a neat idea - all the braided screens I've seen have only one end. This uses a spring-style hose, I've seen them mostly made out of stainless steel braid. Replace that female T with a male T and you could wrap a braid all the way around or even coil it in the bottom of a lauter tun, increasing the surface area for faster lautering and decreasing the gunk.... This could be a wonderful invention!
