Gunna have a crack at pasturising some passion fruit pulp/juice this afternoon when I get home to add to the fermentor.
I've got roughly 20ish passionfruit that I've collected some I've frozen.
My original recipie I used 500g of pulp but I'm not going to have this amount out of 20.
So trying to preserve as much of the fine flavours and aromas by using some SMB to preserve it.
According to this one study
It's a bloody great preservant.
And I know in the wine industry SMB is used in nearly every step in the process.
So putting it out there to the brewersfriend brains trust.
Have any of you tried Sodium Metabisulphate as a fruit preservant in making hombrew be it wine/beer/mead.
Trying to figure out how many grams /volume in that study it was /kg so maybe I can scale this down to what I weigh out in a bowl.
Cheers any advice or links would be much appreciated.
I've got roughly 20ish passionfruit that I've collected some I've frozen.
My original recipie I used 500g of pulp but I'm not going to have this amount out of 20.
So trying to preserve as much of the fine flavours and aromas by using some SMB to preserve it.
According to this one study
It's a bloody great preservant.
And I know in the wine industry SMB is used in nearly every step in the process.
So putting it out there to the brewersfriend brains trust.
Have any of you tried Sodium Metabisulphate as a fruit preservant in making hombrew be it wine/beer/mead.
Trying to figure out how many grams /volume in that study it was /kg so maybe I can scale this down to what I weigh out in a bowl.
Cheers any advice or links would be much appreciated.