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I'm brewing a cream ale this weekend that has vanilla in it. 3 vanilla beans soaked in cup of vodka 2 days then into secondary. It also has vanilla extract in primary.,what's your methods mate.,how do you go about adding vanilla to your brews my batch is 21lt too BTW:p not 200

At the brewery we use a 2 litre bottle of vodka epty it and then fill it with about 200 vanilla pods then cram them in then add vodka for about a month or more. less time add too much vodka flavour in my opinion. adding beans and extract tend to make it a fakish vanilla taste. might ust be the way i do it.

for 1500 litres of porter is about a litre and a half vodka vanilla. (not with pods just liquid.)
At the brewery we use a 2 litre bottle of vodka epty it and then fill it with about 200 vanilla pods then cram them in then add vodka for about a month or more. less time add too much vodka flavour in my opinion. adding beans and extract tend to make it a fakish vanilla taste. might ust be the way i do it.

for 1500 litres of porter is about a litre and a half vodka vanilla. (not with pods just liquid.)
Cheers mate I don't have a month but secondary won't be till next week so I guess I'm buying some vodka for the missus on the way home from work then;).
