Semi recipe - hop & yeast question


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Jan 27, 2019
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I'm looking at using a sort of my standard recipe
100 % xtra pale ale or 90 % + 10 % amber.
4.5 ABV, 25-40 IBU
No chill

I like blondes & pale ales, but not Indian pale ale. I like tripels as well.
I've been using a lot of kveik Voss due to temperatures, but it is cooling down now, so time to play with another yeast
Belle Saison
M47 Belgian Abbey
M31 Belgian Tripel
(Bry 97 and M54, M21 and M20 are on hold till cooler temps and getting wheat in stock)

I generally use a bittering hop (whichever one I have) at 60 minutes or as FWH,
Then Saaz at 5 minutes or flame out

But I got other hops and not much experience
Spalt Select

Any suggestions?
Or combo's you can recommend or think would work well?

(I have lime peel, limes, coriander, sugar etc)
Extra pale, like Pilsner?
If that were the case, I had warm temps, I had Saaz, and a Saison yeast, I know what I would pick:) If you had some wheat, that would even be better, but you get what you can get.
If the Pale were something like a Maris Otter, and one of the yeasts was British, I would put some EKG or Fuggle in that and make a Pub Ale. EKG/Fuggle work well together and I use EKG and Saaz in a Saison.
Going back to another thread, I think "Hippo Poo" would be a great name for a simple beer LOL.
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I couldn't get pale ale malt or even pilsner malt.
Only extra pale ale.
No british yeasts.

So maybe saison then
With EKG or Fuggle
And Saaz

FWH galena?
15 min EKG/Fuggle?
Flame out Saaz?

100% xtra pale ale
Mash temp of 65 oC?
Any sugar?

Gotta look back in my notebook as I think I have made a saison before.
They are diastatics if I remember correct?
I checked
Last time brewig saison was 3 years ago and I used M29 French Saison

First one was maris otter and pilsner, some wheat, some sugar and caramalt.
I didnt care for the caramalt
Hops were Tettnang & Styrian Goldings

Next one was
Pilsner malt
Hallertau Tradition and Spalt Select

Then on trub
Pilsner malt & Cascade

On trub thereafter
Pilsner & EKG

It's a different yeast this time.
Of the ones I brewed, I liked the 2nd and 4th better than the other 2.

I'm thinking of replicating the 2nd version. Followed by other hop choices for the brews on trub
I’ve been trying my hand at Belgian themed or styled ales on and off. I’m particularly fond of the saison style with a somewhat dry, spicy finish. From what you have, I’d probably gravitate toward...

any of the latter 3 Belgian yeasts; I’ve used 2 of them with good results.
Belle Saison for a medium strength, summer like beer.

I’m leaning toward Perle + Saaz to hit about 35 IBUs
I’ve got a good local honey supplier and a couple years ago landed few bottles of very dark, spicy “horsemint” honey that went really well. At Saison strength, a pound is probably too much, but a Trappist or other Big @ss Belgian brew a pound would fit in nicely and not overpower the other characteristics.
The description sounds like a French Saison strain. Yes, that shit will ferment waaay down and dry. I put sugar in my last one and ended up in the 6s finishing at 1.000. I mashed at 148 which is 64.44C. I'm not home to look, but I think I used the hops to bitter toward the beginning of the boil. I have a refrigerator, so I started at 68F and turned up the temp a degree or two each day after low krausen until I hit about 75F. You may want to start cool and then let it go at low krausen. I use a blow off tube for anything Belgian or Saisons. The Belgian yeast for the monastery beers goes nuts.
Lallemand recommends 20-35 oC (68-95 F),
Looking at that and the graphs, I was looking at around 27 oC (80-81 F) to start of with
Yup, use a blow off valve.
I am, due too space constraints (height wise) in the fermentation fridge
But I am sure the standard airlock would work fine.
I use a Speidel and that air lock is way oversized
When I used that yeast late last year I ran it at about 72F and once it got rolling my conical airlock got clogged ; Anvil 7 gallon working on 6 gallons of wort.
Good problem to have.
Thanks for the warning
I'll do regular "clogging" check ups
I'll have about 8 litres in a 10 litre speidel (10 litre + some head space)
Fridge is dead
Wort is no chilling
I need to go without temp control (cooler box lined with duvet).
Either to stick with Belle Saison or move to Kveik Voss.
Temps will be between 21 °C night time low and 35 °C day time high.
VOSS has a range of 25 to 40, but I don't know what the effect of temperature fluctuating would be. At least the VOSS should work quickly. It usually gets going pretty quick, if you are able to pitch in the high 30's, it may keep the temperature up there as it works, maybe
I don't have any experience with the saison yeast, so I have no input for you on that
I vote Belle Saison (see other thread). Kveik if you really think the fermenter will get over 85F and stay there. I’ve definitely run Voss hot, 95F and it finished in 32 hours start cold crash from 1.070 to 1.010 - I crashed it at 1.014 and it was still busy into the low 60’s before going to sleep. Even in the peak south Texas summer, Voss will still cool into the 80’s overnight from a 95-96F peak outside in the sun.

Belle Saison was ballistic like a wheat strain, complete with airlock overrun.
I use kveik voss very often.
No real choice in my summer if no temp control.
I've decided to chance Belle Saison.
I'll pitch it early tomorrow morning, so it starts coolish (I expect 24 oC or so)
so... about the fridge. Is it just the fridge section that’s out? Freezer still cool? Or is it kaput?
I had the fridge section cut out on a new fridge, the mechanical switch to cycle off the chiller cut out, froze the coils. freezer was cool as ice, but the fridge was room temp. It was under warranty so I watched him fix it, $20 part, back in business with a quick swap and de-icing the coil.
so... about the fridge. Is it just the fridge section that’s out? Freezer still cool? Or is it kaput?
I had the fridge section cut out on a new fridge, the mechanical switch to cycle off the chiller cut out, froze the coils. freezer was cool as ice, but the fridge was room temp. It was under warranty so I watched him fix it, $20 part, back in business with a quick swap and de-icing the coil.
I dont know..
It's a small bar fridge. I'll get someone to have a look at it, but my fridge repair friend is out of the country
I got a feeling it's a loose connection somewhere, but I cannot find anywhere to check. That and probably low gas
