Refractometer Correction Spreadsheet

I didn't set it up that way - but you can modify it to take out the Brix conversion in column E and enter the data directly there. You'll have to know your refractometer's wort conversion factor - measure a few worts with both a refractometer and a hydrometer before pitching, the ratio is the correction factor.
I've just done that :p I just got my refractometer last weekend and the first measurement was pretty close, if not almost the same as the hydrometer. Based on the equation you've used, would be possible to convert to % conversion right?
I just brewed 2 days ago, so I miss the second point, but I will follow your table.
I got today a Brix reading of 9°. adding directly to your equation gave me a value of 6°. My FG is 3.
Thanks again for your table, want to go throught the math later on :p
I've just done that :p I just got my refractometer last weekend and the first measurement was pretty close, if not almost the same as the hydrometer. Based on the equation you've used, would be possible to convert to % conversion right?
I just brewed 2 days ago, so I miss the second point, but I will follow your table.
I got today a Brix reading of 9°. adding directly to your equation gave me a value of 6°. My FG is 3.
Thanks again for your table, want to go throught the math later on :p
New reading today and it was 5,2°P. This gave me a corrected value of 0,3°P (1,001 sg).
Is there something wrong? my FG should be around 3. following this correction Im almost with pure water :p
any tip?
6.3 degrees Plato equates to 1.008 - so I'm guessing the 1.001 is somewhere near right. Cross-check with the hydrometer and let me know if it's off....
6.3 degrees Plato equates to 1.008 - so I'm guessing the 1.001 is somewhere near right. Cross-check with the hydrometer and let me know if it's off....
As im running a 5L batch(1.32 US Gallons) im not taking hydrometer samples all the time ( I know I should to get the correlation). by the end I will measure the final gravity and let you know. yesterday, I tasted the little sample I've got and it seems done :)
What im not getting is : if the corrected value gives me ca. 0.3 Plato FG This would be a way off my calculated ABV (5.6%), reaching ca 7%. Normally my final gravities are in the range of 3 Plato (which was expected to reach the 5.6%) .
I believe the FG is very dependent on the mash temperature right? if I have a high amount of unfermentable sugers, they would increase the FG.
Have you ever got sg readings of FG very close to 1.000? (hydrometer)?
As im running a 5L batch(1.32 US Gallons) im not taking hydrometer samples all the time ( I know I should to get the correlation). by the end I will measure the final gravity and let you know. yesterday, I tasted the little sample I've got and it seems done :)
What im not getting is : if the corrected value gives me ca. 0.3 Plato FG This would be a way off my calculated ABV (5.6%), reaching ca 7%. Normally my final gravities are in the range of 3 Plato (which was expected to reach the 5.6%) .
I believe the FG is very dependent on the mash temperature right? if I have a high amount of unfermentable sugers, they would increase the FG.
Have you ever got sg readings of FG very close to 1.000? (hydrometer)?
No but I'm not brewing your beer. Take a hydrometer reading as a cross check, then next batch take the OG using both instruments. The ratio of the two should be your wort correction factor.
6.3 degrees Plato equates to 1.008 - so I'm guessing the 1.001 is somewhere near right. Cross-check with the hydrometer and let me know if it's off....
Hey Nosybear,
just took the last readings today. Hydrometer 3°P, Refractometer WRI (non corrected) 6.8°P. corrected is 2.7.
what do you think? close enough? my previous reading were too low somehow. with both this values it makes sense and it fits with the expected attenuation and not a crazy 91% that previous reading was suggesting.
Hey Nosybear,
just took the last readings today. Hydrometer 3°P, Refractometer WRI (non corrected) 6.8°P. corrected is 2.7.
what do you think? close enough? my previous reading were too low somehow. with both this values it makes sense and it fits with the expected attenuation and not a crazy 91% that previous reading was suggesting.
A little farther off than I get but then your wort correction factor for your refractometer might be a bit different. Given the difficulty of reading a hydrometer accurately, I'd call an error of 0.3° P spot on. And it's a sample size of a drop rather than the hydrometer sample glass volume.
A little farther off than I get but then your wort correction factor for your refractometer might be a bit different. Given the difficulty of reading a hydrometer accurately, I'd call an error of 0.3° P spot on. And it's a sample size of a drop rather than the hydrometer sample glass volume.
Definitely! As I brew small batches, this is very important.
