Random thought for the day

Random thought today was: what the heck!
I've had the odd trip on my solar system. No logic to it. Trip, re-set, all fine.
Well not fine, but very difficult to find.
So yesterday system trips. Re-set, trips again.. OK, not nice but now we can go find it.
Turn the groups off. Re-set. Group 1 on. All fine. Group 2 on, trip.
Go to sockets in group 2.
Take out light plug. Trip
Take out extension lead with phone chargers. Trip
Getting worried now. Remaining is the freezer and fridge. Unplug. Trip
Ouch. Maybe all sockets on group 2?
Surely it cant be the little adapter (from UK to euro plug)?
Take out anyway. No trip :)
Put fridges back. No trip
Light back. No trip.
Looks good.

So today I decide to take the adapter apart
View attachment 23445

And inside I find a 4-5 cm long gecko. Alive!
And a 2 cm mummy and some gekko eggs.
View attachment 23446
What the heck!
Tripping geckos. What next?
I suddenly thought about putting viagra or Generic Cialis in beer for my friend's birthday. I became interested in what the result could be from this and what he would do in such a case. But this is just a random thought
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I suddenly thought about putting viagra or cialis in beer for my friend's birthday. I became interested in what the result could be from this and what he would do in such a case. But this is just a random thought
Whoa Kenny, that's some random thought
Hope you patented that idea , sounds like you could make a fortune with it.
I suddenly thought about putting viagra or cialis in beer for my friend's birthday. I became interested in what the result could be from this and what he would do in such a case. But this is just a random thought
Yeah as long as you don't gotta hang around and drink with him :D.
Things might get a little twitchy:p:p:p
Kenny made me think of a couple other random thoughts.
1) Can bots have friends?
2) Would cialis have any effect this supposed "friend", assuming the "friend" is also a bot?
If Kenny dressed up like a virtual female, would his friend then have an 80s revival by playing " I love You (Miss Robot)" by the Buggles after the beer Viagra?
Just a random thought LOL.
Randomly symphatising with @Craigerrr & other Canadians

BBC News - What's behind Canada's drastic new alcohol guidance
Looks like it is just a suggestion. We all have our lives to live and must balance what makes life enjoyable and what is practical for our own individual health. They tried prohibition in this country once. It didn't go very well.
I wouldn't want to downplay the health risks either. I've seen some very evil health results from those close to me hitting it too hard.
Everything in moderation. Even too much water can hurt you.
