Quiet in here today....

The CARR fire up in Redding is tragic. 880 homes have been destroyed. 8 lives lost. We actually had ash falling from the sky and we are 60 miles from the fire here in Chico. The sun looks like an orange and you can stare straight at it. The moon looks like a jack o'lantern. It has been over 100 for two weeks straight here. Mostly around 105.

Sorry but the greenies comment is a bit hard to swallow in that context.

California contributes 2.6 Trillion to the U.S. GDP, almost twice as much as the next state. By comparison what most states contribute is a rounding error.

California is the land of diversity. Diverse culture, diverse politics, diverse geography and I'm quite proud to live here.

Yes, we had ash here Monday and the sun was very dim and orange early in the day. It is tragic, and the comment was tongue in cheek. Sorry if it offended you. BTW, we lived in Calaveras County for almost 20 years, so I know wildfires well and have had some very close calls.

We escaped from the people's republic of Caliornia about 16 years ago after taxes and regulations made it all but impossible to make a decent living from our small business. You can have the diversity and I'll keep my sanity and a lot more of "my money".
Prayers to those in the path. We are having our own wild fires here in Ontario. I am in south western Ontario, but there are fires burning out of control just a few hours north of where I am. Thankfully in areas that are sparsely populated.
Welcome to Washington! You arrived just in time for all the wildfires to really impact visibility, but the Olympics are spectacular regardless :)

There is almost a limitless supply of breweries you could go to, depending on where you are staying.
We made the drive up to Hurricane Ridge and though it was muggy and hazy, the views were still pretty breath-taking. At elevation, it was better but seeing across any distance toward lower elevations was impossible. You could just make out Victoria and Canadian shore across the Strait but couldn't see a trace of Mount Baker.
And. yeah, the beers just keep comin' :D It's great to have a nice selection of killer regional stuff but even the tiny local taprooms provide some nice stuff. And it's really great to find a solid representation of NW style Pales and IPAs. There's still a lot of juicy, hazy, tropical options but there are plenty of old-school offerings with big piney flavors as well.
