I believe that's called the True Beer (TM) mentality. Anything other than my way is not True Beer (TM). I'm happy to say our homebrew club has little of the True Beer (TM) spirit, much like the environment here. Think about it this way: In a very real sense, we are a virtual homebrew club, at least the regular posters. Only thing is the virtual tasting leaves a bit to be desired.... I've met a few of you in the real world and tasted your beers. And I have to say, I'm proud to be able to hang with you guys. You teach me things and make me think about the things I think I know.It’s the whole, “You want to brew the correct way and get good beer? You’d better do what I say, and not what anyone else says” mantra that is rampant in my local homebrew club. I saw it there 21 years ago and never joined, and it was still there 3 years ago when I decided to try that club again. I’m thankful that I get some pretty good advice here, with extremely little of the I-know-everything-and-everyone-else-knows-nothing to go with it. So a sincere thanks, everyone. And that’s not my homebrew talking. I’ve only had one sip of my first pour tonight.
I use 30 mins @ 144°, 30 mins @ 156°
This is a good place to be without a doubt.
Stir if you have to, don't if you can avoid it.
With a RIMS system you just recirculate and maintain even temps, even with a step. Sometimes these ideas of "never ever do this" is a repeated wive's tale. When RIMS first started to become popular, there was a lot of BS out there on forums that said it would increase tannin extraction from the grain, but what the detractors failed to realize is that the Germans were doing the same thing for decades with no problems at all. Recirculation is just a gentler way of stirring.
If no pro's stir, what are they doing with a rake in the mash tun? Used with a little restraint, it's perfectly fine.
I have to “even out the grain” during the sparge because the constant recirc creates dips and holes in the bed. It doesn’t effect the mash, but I don’t want a hole in the bed during the sparge.With my RIMS I halt recirculation and stir every 30 minutes and then about 5min. before draining use my thermometer(gently) to rake as it recirculates so I ensure a even flow through the grain. I tried stirring quite a while back and noticed a different viscosity or maybe smoothness to the mash. With recrculating my mash settles less after a gentle stir. Also it's a good way to double check if you are trying to recirculate too quickly and compacting the grain.
I have to “even out the grain” during the sparge because the constant recirc creates dips and holes in the bed. It doesn’t effect the mash, but I don’t want a hole in the bed during the sparge.
Exactly. The glass lab thermometer is what I use to "rake" so I have no choice but to be gentle.
Have to be gentle no choice this way.I'd find something else or you may end up with a snapped thermometer and a very short brew day.
They should put that little burst sticker on the packaging <**Now Removes Glass Shards!**>My thoughts on the glass and lead in mash was i BIAB so when i removed the bag hopefully i removed the lead balls and glass shards. Another perk for BIAB.
Commercial brewers including brew pubs stir, if they can. Caveats, they stir very slowly, if continuously, and the marginal increase in yield is important to their bottom line. It isn't to ours. I wouldn't risk introducing oxygen by stirring after dough in but can see advantages to doing it, mostly keeping the temperature more uniform.
Reasonable precautions: I don't see any need to stir the mash once I've got my initial temperature and pH and have done any adjustments needed. I average around 80% conversion, good enough for homebrew.