Pricing Yeast

Well ships free from Cali
MoreBeer is consolidating (has consolidated?) their PA/CA warehouses into a single KS warehouse.

use all three very rarely pay for shipping.
"Free shipping isn't free".

Once again, for those that can take advantage of the regional shipper that RiteBrew uses, there may be some savings over other online stores that have "free shipping".
Looks free to me


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Once again, for those that can take advantage of the regional shipper that RiteBrew uses, there may be some savings over other online stores that have "free shipping".

And, if one is not in that region, maybe there's another regional on-line store that works for your situation.
I guess what he meant is “who pays?” Someone has to pay.

Right. You can either buy a $50 widget with free shipping or you can buy this $40 widget with $10 shipping. I think the payoff for businesses is that they get people to buy more stuff just to get free shipping.

Also, a shipping company's (FedEx, UPS, USPS, etc.) labor costs are the reason why it can be cheaper to ship five 10 lb bags of grain compared to one 50 lb sack of grain. The 10 lb bags (or boxes) can go on automated sortation equipment along with all the other packages. But the 50 lb sack will need manual handling all the way, which is much less efficient.
Works for me i never spend less than $60 on grains anyway. I keep a good supply on hand and a running list for when sales pop up. Often after Christmas there are sales. My original question was on yeast. It just seems i have to shop multiple places to find the ingredients I want.
Again, considering myself lucky. Order online, pick a day to get it, drive 20 minutes up the road and pick it up, so no shipping. Liquid yeast is expensive, but I have not noticed a huge incease over the last couple of years. The packaging is different for White Labs, but I pitch double anyway, and it is actually cheaper for me now to do it that way. Yes, grain is a little more expensive, but not nearly the insanity of Publix right now to get groceries, Holy shit!, but hey, I am a stupid surviving spouse and can't stand the Walmart BS stress outside of the pharmacy unless I have to.
To buy groceries for my lunches and dinners just for myself for about 5 days is over $100/week right now. I am not going to bitch about $40 or 45 to make 5 gallons of beer.
This postage thing must be in our brewer gene. Either you pay a bit more and get free shipping, or lower prices and pay shipping. I fine myself doing most all discussed in this thread, like buying yeast packs in bulk, large enough order to get reduced shipping, and so on. Ritebrew is good and it is usually ~ 3-4% less when shipping is figured on the entire order. Hard to beat their DME prices, and the order comes undamaged (packed well).
Point taken. I can easily afford to pay more but it's a challenge to me. I have a friend who is what I consider the worlds best shopper. She told me only fool's pay shipping. Well I guess I am because sometimes I do.
Now I'm watching for after Christmas sales. There is something stainless I've had my eye on ready to pounce. I can bide my time
My original question was on yeast. It just seems i have to shop multiple places to find the ingredients I want.
Funny, I have to do that with groceries. Not every store has what I want or at a reasonable price. So, ultimately, we visit up to 7 different stores - but usually just three.

As for only fools paying for shipping: to repeat, you always pay shipping, one way or another. Someone pays, and the only source of money in a business is customers, so guess who always pays?
Yes someone pays but not me. The other thing she told was only fools pay full price. So all the fools paying full price pay for my shipping
Yes someone pays but not me. The other thing she told was only fools pay full price. So all the fools paying full price pay for my shipping
Well yes, that’s why I visit many stores. Kroger has the same can of beans for less than Publix, but Aldi is still half the price. For some things, I’m willing to pay more (Gulden’s mustard) but I pay attention to prices.
Well ships free from Cali me in CT if you spend over $59. Williams Brewing in Midwest some place does the same and $7.99 flat if your bellow $59. AIH is east cost and they ship free if yo spend that amount as well. I use all three very rarely pay for shipping. Plus ritebrew doesn't have weyerman that's odd

The problem I have with More.Beer is they claim "free shipping" until you add something that doesn't qualify for free shipping - such as a 50lb bag of malt!
